Safe And Sound(Taylor Swift)

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When I touch the ground with my feet, my keens give out quickly. I pant

' Shit. All that flying for so long made me so tired and I'm colder then before. I need to find some where to sleep for tonight and find food too.'

I got to my feet slowly. I started walking to the first building I see. It was a store, I look through the window first, not seeing no walking corpse anywhere in there. I walk to the door and as quietly as I can open it, I carefully walk in.

I walk to the clothing part of the store first, as I just remembered that humans wear clothes.

' Why didn't I remember that I was naked the whole time.'

I sighed, I look through the clothing choice I have. I pick a long black t-shirt, underwear,find a pair of junker pant on the floor so I put them on,black socks,black combat boot I find laying around, and a coat that can help hide my wings because I'm walking here on out and my wings went through my shirt.

I look around the store more and find a green backpack. I put some clothes in that can leave me some room for food and other suff. I went to the other part that holds food and water. I just stuffed cans of different types of foods and water bottles.

That leaves me little room for small weapons. I look around more and saw a shafts full of cooking knives. So I grab some,take them out of the packages and hide them all over my body, that I can get to easily. I keep a big one out in my right hand until I can find a better weapon.

I look around a little more to see if I can find something better then the knife but didn't see anything. So I went into the back of the store, into one of the very back dark corners and I made a sleeping pad the best I can out of three covers that I found around the store. I went back to the front of the store and look out the window to see its dark out. I sighed it some how take me two hours to do all that.

I shake my head and went to use the bathroom they had in the store, then I went back to my sleeping pad. I put my backpack down beside my pad, I lay down on my side.

'Well, I see if I can find some people as I'm looking for a good weapon somewhere around the town I'm in.'

I tell myself as darkness take over my mind.

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