Chapter 2: Confidences

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Jack sat with Marian and watched Kelsey film her scenes, and even though he could see the cameras and lights, and the myriad cables and people, it was still really hard for him. Kelsey had to lie in the hospital bed and act hurt for hours, and Jack's own back and legs felt funny by the time they broke for lunch. He watched twenty different takes of the same scene, each different in microscopic ways from the other, the pathos dialed up or down incrementally, depending on the direction given by Robin. Jack marveled at the patience of the crew, and of Kelsey, who just lay there, basically immobile, as this or that angle was discussed, and things were changed in ways that he sometimes couldn't even see.

Jack was unhappy to see the ass-grabbing Ryan Goldman there, though of course he wasn't surprised. Ryan played Joaquin Fielding, Marian's physical therapist, the one who helped her learn to walk again. He was her romantic interest as well, which Jack really didn't like, though he supposed he could live with it.

Marian was sometimes called in to answer some question or other about what was going on at that particular point in time, and Kelsey asked her things about what she was thinking or feeling. Once, Jack saw her wipe away a tear as she sat next to him. He couldn't talk to her because they weren't supposed to make any noise, so he just put a hand on her arm. When she looked over, he raised his eyebrows questioningly, and rubbed her arm gently.

Marian smiled her thanks and shook her head, telling him not to worry, and patted his hand. Jack let go, reassured. It was probably hard for her to see Kelsey reenacting the painful moments of her life. In fact, the whole shoot was probably going to be a real roller coaster ride for her.

The three of them sat together and chatted while they ate lunch, and Jack found out that Marian had in fact broken up with Joaquin.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Jack said. He made a little face at Kelsey before turning back to Marian. "This must be really awful for you on so many levels." He waved a hand around.

Marian shook her head. "No, it's okay, really. It's kind of cathartic, actually." She shrugged. "There were signs along the way, I think, that I chose to ignore, and watching the whole thing over again kind of gives me a little perspective on the whole thing, maybe." She smiled at Jack. "Kind of like watching tape of a race you lost afterward? You know what I mean?"

Jack nodded. "You look at yourself and go, 'Man, why'd I take that last stroke?' Or, 'I shouldn't have done that extra dolphin kick right there, totally threw off my rhythm,' right?"

Marian was nodding and smiling. "Exactly!"

"Miss Carlisle? They need you back in five," someone in a headset told her as he walked by.

"Oh, I'd better go to the bathroom before I'm tied down to the bed for the next four hours," Kelsey said, rising.

"Knock 'em dead, sweetheart," Jack said.

"Thanks, coach," Kelsey said as she rose, gave Jack a fast kiss, and left.

"So how long have you two been dating?" Marian asked.

"Oh, not that long, just a few months," Jack answered, watching Kelsey walk away before turning his gaze back to Marian. "We met last May when I started training her for this part."

"So this is brand-new," Marian said.

"Yes," Jack said, nodding. He smiled. "Brand spanking new."

Marian smiled too. "I love that time in a relationship, when everything's so great, when no problems have come up yet."

Her smile disappeared suddenly as she realize what she'd said. "Oh no, I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking at all."

"It's okay, really," Jack assured her. "I know you didn't mean to be insensitive or anything. Besides," he added, "nothing really happened to me, I'm fine." He gestured toward Kelsey's retreating figure. "She's the one who endured hell, then risked her own safety and everything."

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