Chapter 12: Monsters In Costume

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"Jack, I'm sorry, I have to cancel."

Kelsey felt terrible saying the words, and wondered how many times she'd said them over the last two months. Unfortunately, filming took priority over everything, and they were behind schedule, everyone knew that. The swimming scenes took longer than they thought to film, and everything just piled up, so Robin jumped at the chance to shoot some of the pool deck scenes when the venue offered them the pool for the night.

Unfortunately, the night in question was the night of Zach's Halloween party.

Jack looked at her, his disappointment obvious, nodding his acceptance. "I understand, Kelseylove, don't feel bad." He leaned in and kissed her. "It's not your fault, you don't have to apologize for this, okay?" He smiled and squeezed her hand, cuddling her closer on the sofa, where they were sitting. "Besides, we'll still be together on actual Halloween, right? We can get dressed up then, to pass out candy."

Kelsey gave him a look. "You mean here, at home? Like put on costumes and--and answer the door?"

Jack nodded, unable to hide his enthusiasm. "It's not as much fun as going trick or treating, but it's close, you know? I love seeing the kids, how happy they are, god. Some of them just scream out the words when you open the door because they're so excited!" He squeezed Kelsey's hand again. "And some of the little ones are so nervous that they forget what to say and they just stand there, holding on to their bags for dear life, oh man--"

Jack loved Halloween, of course.

Kelsey smiled at him, shaking her head. "I've never stayed home to pass out candy," she told him. "When I lived in Iowa, I always trick or treated, and then I was in Europe or New York for the next few years, and since I moved here I've always been out, I guess."

Jack looked affronted. "Well, that's going to change this year, then," he announced. "It's the best holiday of the year, even better than Christmas, maybe, because you get to run around outside. You'll see," he said confidently.

"I'm so sorry about Zach's party, though," Kelsey repeated. They had costumes picked out already. Kelsey was going to be Princess Jasmine, and Jack was going to be Aladdin. She saw again the disappointment on his face.

"Yeah, you rock that outfit, Kels," he told her. "Man, what a knockout." He let his gaze travel down her body and back again. "But I'll see you in it on Halloween, like I said, so it's no big deal," he concluded, shrugging.

"You'll have lots of fun without me," she assured him. She patted his thigh.

"What?" He looked at her, brows furrowed. "I'm not going without you!" He shook his head.

"Jack, of course you are," Kelsey responded. "You've been looking forward to it, and Zach's special Halloween punch, for months!"

"But I've been looking forward to being there with you," Jack clarified. "I mean, it's not like I drink the punch, you know?" He kissed her hand. "I wanted you to try it."

He sat back. "I don't want to be Aladdin without Princess Jasmine," he said. "I'll just go watch you shoot."

Kelsey shook her head vehemently. "No Jack, no. It's going to be podium shots or something, you'll be bored out of your mind!" She thought for a moment. "I know! Let's ask Marian if she'll go to the party with you." She looked at Jack, eyebrows raised. "She could even wear the costume! We're nearly the same size, I'm sure it'll fit her, and everyone there will know who she is because they'll be mainly from the swim team, right? She'll be a celebrity, it's perfect!"

Jack didn't tell Kelsey that everyone on the team already had met Marian; he hadn't told Kelsey about Marian working out with the team in the mornings. It had never come up, and given some of the strange vibes he'd gotten from Kelsey about the different women in his life, he didn't see the need to give her more reason to feel insecure.

Powering Through: A Sequel to Learning To Swim For RealΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα