Ch. 4 ~Have A Look Around~

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~Zak's P.O.V.~

Oh there's so much regret now. 'For God's sake! Why the hell would you say that?' 'If she had the slightest bit of trust in you it's most likely gone now!' He messed up, this is it. She's gonna think he's some creep now. Damn it!

"If you want to like I said." She gives a hopeful smile before replying, "Really?" To which he responds with a wide grin, the thought of those razor teeth he's come to own completely slipping his mind until he sees her smile falter and her eyes widen slightly, making him remember right away and mentally curse himself again before quickly hiding them.

"Sure, I can even show you around if you'd like. And you can stay in this room since it's the cleanest." Saved it, just keep it mellow now. "Thank you!" She chirps happily, causing him to feel something tighten in his chest. But he merely ignores it, coming to the conclusion it's just this thing not liking the idea of having a guest, "No problem." Zak then smiles and leads the way out of the room to show the rest of the house.

~Your P.O.V.~

Now normally, and quite obviously, you wouldn't accept to staying the night with a total stranger, famous or not, but you couldn't help yourself. Zak has always been so intriguing to you, even when you could only see that on a TV screen, so to have the chance to get to know him better is one you'd certainly wouldn't like to pass up on. Plus you never know, may have to ask at some point later, but he probably hasn't had good company in a while.

Even more so you can't really go anywhere even if you wanted to, it's too dark, and the woods are too thick for you to try and walk back home, best chance it would be midnight or close to dawn before you ever reach your house.

That's of course if you even get lucky enough to get out of the woods without getting yourself turned around and eventually lost. You'd basically be doing more harm to yourself than good so staying here is your best option.

You followed behind Zak as he walked you through the house. Showing you everything from the kitchen, and surprising amount of food he's got stashed away, to the numerous hallways and rooms along with a very decent sized living area that had a huge fireplace, which were all impressively well kept now that there was light for you to see better in.

And you were absolutely captivated by it all, just the decoration of the house itself and the vintage items that caught your eye, he even gave a brief history on a few of them, it was all so beautiful you almost forgot what happened in it.

Honestly, you'll never understand why it mostly has to be the gorgeous houses that get the bad and dark up bringings.

You also didn't pay any mind about how some rooms were dirty or cluttered, if anything that just made the experience more interesting, gave a more antique feel to it. Most of all, is that it was adorable seeing Zak light up when he'd trail off and start telling you about all of the past locations he's been to.

How he'd quickly go jumping from one story he knew to another in his ecstaticness to share it all with you, whether he was talking about the evidence he and the guys would get, or telling the history of one building he really liked, or even simply explaining what drew him to a certain location in the first place.

Just him being himself, not worrying or thinking about his current situation. It truly made your heart melt a little.

Suddenly a small yawn escapes your lips as you try and rub the drowsiness from your eyes. Zak stops and turns around while laughing some, "I can show you around more tomorrow, you should get some sleep." Too tired to refuse you nod and make your way back to your room for the night.

"Goodnight Zak, and thank you again very much." You say with a tired smile and gently close the door. You then head over to the bed and kick your shoes off before climbing onto the mattress then slip under the covers. And with one more yawn you snuggle down into the pillows more as you let yourself doze off to sleep.

~Zak's P.O.V.~

He stood there in front of the door for a moment, as he was taking in all that's happened, before he can't help but smile while his chest clenches again. This makes him lose the smile and furrow his brows instead as he lightly pats the center of his torso, "Stop..." He mumbles then steps away from the door before swiftly gliding through the hallway to look for a place to bed down for the night.

A minute later he finally settles for the couch and flops down on it while thinking back to showing his new guest around. All the little 'wow's' and 'whoa's' amongst the smiles she would get when she found something interesting and how she examined every detail.

And most of all, how she'd actually smile even brighter when he started speaking about the places he and the guys have been to along with the investigations they've done. Even though he's pretty certain he's never gonna get those days back... She still seemed so fascinated just listening.

Now that for some reason made his heart ache a bit.

He's not sure if it's because of memories or the other thing he's not gonna think of the word for. Maybe it's both. One thing's for certain though, that second option has given him too much of that same heartache before in the past.

It's something completely foreign to him by now. He was never allowed to have it because of how dangerous his job was.

Same goes for the memories, who's to say this will work and that she really can help him? Zak's heart hurts for that too, never living his life the same way again, never seeing his friends or family again, it's all gone. In fact even he's too far gone, least that's what 'he' keeps telling him.

'So why give in to false hope?'

With that train of thought stopped Zak closes his eyes and actually falls into the first comfortable sleep he's had in a long time. While his mind tosses him just one more thought, one he knows he shouldn't run with but can't help the need to entertain some.

'But maybe it's possible...'

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