Ch. 12 ~Game, Set, Deadly Match~

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(I LIIIIIIIIIIIVE BOOIIIIIII! >8D) (Also serious note: I went back over ALL the previous chapters and added a few things just to kinda make the story flow a little better c:)

(Warning: Language and Extreme Gore) (I tried lol)

After your's and Deliah's discussion, and her agreeing to your terms of not telling anyone about Zak, you decided you would go and get some groceries thinking it would be a good idea to get out of the house for a bit. So after showering and deciding what to wear.

You, for some reason, decide to wear a white cardigan, (F/C) tank top, a flowing white and black striped skirt that stops a little ways above your knees, and your sneakers.

Then you head for the door, when Zak steps out of the kitchen holding a bagel, "Where you going?" He asks curiously, "Gonna go get some groceries, wanna come?" Zak tilts his head at you then looks outside, "During the day?" You laugh, "Yeah come on it'll be good for you."

Spending the day with you sounds very tempting to Zak, especially with that outfit you're wearing, but he's still wanting to be cautious, "What if someone sees me?" "There's not a way you can hide somehow?" You watch him think for a moment before downing the rest of the bagel, "I guess I can just stick to the shadows." He reasons as he walks over and opens the door for you.

You giggle, "Alright Dracula let's go." He laughs at that as you both walk down the sidewalk. "No car?" He questions, you grin, "What don't wanna exercise?" He scoffs then smirks at you, "I don't need any exercise thank you." He says as he floats ahead of you already half way down the sidewalk to town. You start to run, "Hey wait for me!" "Keep up slow poke!" He calls back laughing.

Once you both make it close to town you notice Zak start to look nervous so you gently take his hand, "Just stick with me ok?" He looks at you for a couple of seconds before realization hits him and he smiles, "Got an idea."

You watch as Zak slowly morphs into what you could best describe as a dark, smokey, tar like mass with red eyes before darting down into the ground and vanishing.

You stand there for a moment as you try to process what you just saw, "Zak?" You ask, "Where'd you go?" Your question is answered when you see your shadow moving even though you're standing completely still. You watch in amazement as it slowly starts to take on the form of him until your shadow is no more, completely replaced by his figure.

Finally he turns his head to look at you, "Hope you don't mind me being your shadow for the day." You laugh, "Ok that is freaking awesome for one thing." He laughs as you continue, "And second I don't see why not."

Alright what started out as a good idea ended up being the greatest idea, watching Zak act as your shadow was amusing enough but also seeing him pull tiny pranks on unsuspecting people, like running into their shadows making them lose their balance and wonder what they tripped over and finding nothing there, is golden. Not to mention the shirt tugging, and tapping on the shoulders is also hilarious.

You continue to make your trek down the sidewalk as you both laugh amongest each other when you stop and spot the little cafe that Deliah had talked about having the best iced coffee ever. You'll admit you've been craving one lately.

Zak notices you stop then follows your gaze, he looks at the sign then back at you, "Do you need one?" "Zak you don't understand Deliah talks about this place all the time. They put chocolate shavings and a caramel drizzle on it and it's to DIE for." "I'll take that as a yes." "Yessss."

You walk over and open the door finding it somewhat packed but not too overbearing so thankfully you're able to order and find a nice spot outside. As you sip your iced coffee Zak lightly flicks your skirts' shadow causing your actual skirt to move before asking, "What made you wear something like this anyway?"

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