Ch. 8 ~Oh Dear~

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(Warning: Some language!)

It's a beautifully, warm shiny day for you as you're strolling down the sidewalk while making your way to Zak's. You were excited to see him so you could tell him you didn't have that dream this time. Which is an incredible relief because you actually got a full night's sleep this time. However, your happy journey stops when you notice three girls watching you.

Your 'friends'...

You feel a small spark of panic ignite, Should you wave? Should you just turn around? God they're walking over! Trisha, Alice, and Samantha stalk over to you like predators, you being the lucky one to hold the meat, "Hey girls." You start nervously, "How's it going?" Trisha throws her arm around your shoulders and asks, "So how was your little 'Paranormal Trip'?"

"Oh that? Pfft, yeah great prank. Also, you guys do realize just because a house looks creepy doesn't always mean there's something in it right?" You reply coolly, "Yeah sure ok, so where you going?" Samantha steps in, "Why do you need to know?" Alice lets out a laugh then answers, "Because you've been taking this way an awful lot lately."

"Wh-Have you guys been stalking me?!" You ask bewildered as you duck out of the circle of them and turn around to face them, Trisha scoffs, "As if, it's just that you never get out much and there's no way anyone would actually want you over or anything so it's gotta be something else."

Ignoring that comment you collect yourself and state calmly, "I'm heading for the store, I have the house to myself while my parents are gone so I'm keeping an eye on everything." Well, it wasn't a total lie you have been needing to get groceries anyway, and since you're out of college your parents knew they could trust you with the place.

"And I know what that look is, no it doesn't mean trash it with a party. You want that you can do it somewhere else." As an indication of that final remake you turn around and continue your trek down the sidewalk.

But then, out of no where you feel a strong shove and before you know what's going on you find yourself laying on the sidewalk. You roll over and proceed to get up because there is no way you're taking any part in this, but then you feel someone grab the front of your shirt and you're met face to face with all three of them, "You think after that horror house you went in you're suddenly better than us? Freak?" "No I-" "You're nothing without us ugly skank!"

Trisha spitting insult after insult at you while Alice along with Samantha just keep egging it on you finally have enough, you manage to use your foot to push Trisha off of you. Easy enough but what made it better was that you managed to leave a big muddy footprint on her 'expensive designer' top. "You bitch!"

Suddenly she's on you yanking your hair, throwing punches and kicks to anywhere on you she could get, those rings, fake nails, and high heels are no joke. You try to block a few shots but Alice and Samantha helping was making it difficult. You finally manage to land a blow to Trisha's nose causing her to stagger back, while you waste no time to scramble away before booking it down the sidewalk.


Zak was floating aimlessly around the living room, eyeing the windows every now and then, waiting for you to show, but as he was biding his time he couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right. 'It's gonna be dark soon.' 'She should've been here by now.' 'She never waits this long.' 'What if something's happened?' He shakes his head, he's just being paranoid and you decided you didn't want to come out this time. 'We really need to find someway to communicate easier.'

He continues to let his thoughts wonder before they're interrupted by the sound of footsteps shuffling outside, followed by ragged breathing. He stops midair and listens more, 'God please don't be an intruder I just cleaned up the place.' Then there's a knock followed by your voice, "Zak!" At first he's relieved but then he hears how frantic you sound.

Save Me From Myself (A Zak Bagans X Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now