Chapter 10

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A/N: I'm giving you all fair warning: This will be really disturbing on numerous levels. *Gore, Child Abuse, Contains Slight Nudity and Mild Sexual Content* I suggest if you are younger than 15 not to read Damon's POV at all. This is more like a backstory on him and although it could be seen as important to understand his personality, I'll still add bits in later for you to understand without having to be subjected to this entire chapter. 

Damon Clairmount:

I'd been ten when my mother gave birth to Lily. When I'd first met her.. it hadn't been love at first sight. Nor had it been a happy occasion. Why? Well, as I stepped into my Mother's birthing room, I'd noticed the strong smell of copper in the air. 

My father was breaking things and I could tell he was crying but I didn't understand why. When I got closer to the bed I realized my mother's chest had stopped moving and the blankets were saturated in her blood. A bloody infant lay still on top of those soaked sheets, not moving. My heart had gripped with sadness as I reached to touch the little infants head. 

Suddenly the baby moved and had begun crying. Doctors had already evacuated the room once they'd thought all the individuals involved had no longer been able to be saved. Lily had been a miracle though. Unfortunately, my father hadn't thought so. Instead of being happy that one of the two had survived the ordeal he'd focused his ire on the newborn. 

I'd been smiling right before my father angrily stomped over and picked the naked bloody baby up in one hand and went to fling it across the room. 

Something inside me snapped and I found myself in front of where she'd have hit; catching her in my arms. My father didn't like this and went to try and grab her again but I merely wrapped my body around hers; accepting the onslaught of beatings. 

*Time Skip 1 year*

In this year, I've taken more beatings than I could count. I'd realized that the day Lily had been born, some of my magic had secretly unlocked but I didn't know how to control it. Only when a child turned 12 would their magic be unlocked and tested. It was dangerous for a child's body to hold magic. 

During this year I've taken care of Lily myself and refused the maids to even cook for her. Why would I do this? I'd been afraid that since my father couldn't hurt her, he'd have someone else do so. I was determined to keep her safe though and the longer I was around my father, the love I once had for him turned to killing intent. 

When Lily was only a few days old, I'd given her a name because my father simply refused to acknowledge her existence no matter how many times I had gone to beg him. 

I've watched Lily take her first steps and lately she's even begun to try and speak but it's still all gibberish. My sister was the cutest and I wouldn't let my father hurt a single strand of hair on her. 

*Time Skip Another Year (Lily is now 2 and Damon is 12)*

My father had refused to take me to get tested because I was still healing from injuries he'd caused. I didn't care though that I would ruin his image if I went to the building designated for Magic Testing looking like I was half dead. 

It had surprised me how well Lily adapted. I'd come home almost every day bruised black and blue while covered in blood and she would kiss all the wounds while saying 'pain pain go away'.

I gave her an earful about contaminants in blood. I've got a really silly sister. 

At the testing ground, silence had taken over as my magic was unlocked. The crystal had scroll writing that said 'Shadow' 'Dark' 'Fire'. Everyone had gone quiet as I waited for the examiner to talk. 

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