Chapter 45

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A/N: This new character's POV will become obvious as you read. If not I'll add it at the bottom. 


"Daddy told me that he won't lend us any more money," the woman in front of me pouted. 

It was days like these that I despised the fact that I left Lily for her. Sweet, soft spoken, Lily. Unfortunately, Lily held no clout and I was the one left to supporting us. I'd gotten married a week after my parents set up a marriage contract with the Zere Clan's only daughter from the direct line. 

Her name was Izabella or Bell as her father tends to call her. After we married it seemed as though I'd been cursed. I owned an Auction House that held several branches. We hadn't branched out towards the other lands yet but I had been hopeful. 

Someone had begun spreading rumors about my Auction House being greedy and stealing from prospective sellers. It was complete lies but it had spread like wildfire. What didn't help matters further is that another Auction House had opened up on the other side of the Nest we lived in. Since no one was willing to become a client I'd had to ask my wife's father for money to buy items and then flip them for more money from gullible customers. 

"Why'd you go ask for more? I only needed the bit to buy some items for the Auction House," I said giving her a frown. It was disturbing watching a grown woman acting like a child. 

"I wanted new clothes," she stated petulantly as her arms crossed across her ample chest. It astounded me how childish she was when she birthed a child. Shouldn't women become more adult after becoming a mother? Then again she usually leaves the maids to take care of all the child's needs. 

"Soon we will get back double from our sells. Don't ask your father for anymore money."

I sneered at her before exiting the room. 

For some reason I can't help but compare Lily with Iza. One thing, aside from her beauty, that set her apart from Iza is how she stayed collected and calm no matter the situation. Even when I kicked her out of the house before my wedding, she left with dignity. Although I did catch a quick glimpse of her eyes being obscured with unshed tears. 

Tatiana stood outside the room biting her lip apprehensively as she noticed me walking out. 

"Is mother okay, father?"

"Of course. She's merely throwing one of her many tantrums," I insisted. 

Tatiana was still young but with her strict upbringing she had good manners. Although her mother hadn't given her much motherly love it didn't seem to have effected her that much. I patted her head as I passed by and felt her move towards the room. Probably hoping to comfort my distraught wife. A snort of disgust slipped past my lips. 


Damon had been spending less time around the house and me ever since Helena damaged my garden. It's not as though I'm upset with him. His words had been truthful; I had been spoiling Helena to much. All of my affections that I'd been giving were completely unintentional though. It didn't help that Damon thought that I'd beat him senseless after he'd yelled and shaken me a bit. 

I bit my lip as I recalled how mad he seemed at first but when I paid attention closer it became apparent he'd been scared for me. He had been correct though that I need to enforce more discipline on Helena. Lately I've spent less with her and more time rebuilding my strength. 

It wouldn't have been as bad had I not been meditating or known she was about to pick the flowers but since both of those hadn't happened the effect was nearly disastrous. 

At the moment I was watching the shocked face of the Tester as Nathaniel's results sprung up. When he turned around he smiled brightly at me and I couldn't help but smile back and wave. During the past couple of months the food had done him wonders. He was still tiny for his age but he had began to fill out and grow an inch or so. He'd also allowed his hair to continue growing. Every day, when he was at home, he'd ask me to braid his hair for him. 

He said 'It's a warriors braid' and I hadn't felt it necessary to disagree with the child. It made him look more feminine until you looked at the rest of his body that was covered in scars and Markings. He truly did look like a 'warrior'. 

Vincent had wanted to keep his hair semi short so I'd had one of the maids make sure to keep it well trimmed for him. When he was off reading he'd bring a stretchy bandanna that he used to push back his hair from his face. The first time I'd seen him wear his hair back like that I'd almost laughed because it had reminded me of a movie about a girl with two step sisters and an evil step mother. 

It had been even funnier when I'd asked if I was his evil step mother and his responding confusion. Although Vincent had been with us for the past couple of months he still seemed slow to social cues and humor. Nobody made fun of him for it though. 

One thing I had noticed was how Helena preferred to visit Connie and Serena rather than stay at home. She'd been having many attitude problems as of late that had me worried. Well more similar to mood swings; one moment happy and the next yelling at me. 

I frowned at the thought but quickly shook myself out of it as I tracked Nathaniel's hurried movements to get to us. He'd almost gotten to us when a boy stepped up to him. The child had blonde hair and red eyes; Nathaniel reached his shoulder. 

They were to far away for me to hear what was said but Nathaniel looked slightly miffed while the boy kept laughing. He swung an arm over his shoulder and said something which made Nathaniel scrunch his nose up before letting out a breath before leading him towards us. 

My smile couldn't help but blossom further. Nathaniel hardly considered Vincent a friend so the fact that someone wanted to be his was a good thing. 

"Lily, this is Leonard Caddigan. Leo, this is Lily." 

"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," the kid said in a grandeur sort of way before grabbing hold of my hand and bending over to kiss the back of it. This child was funny. 

I couldn't help but chuckle. Vincent stood by watching everything curiously and Nathaniel crossed his arms. 

"Caddigan? Are you by any chance related to Henry Caddigan?"

My thoughts were all over the place today. I watched as the boy closed off, the smile erasing from his face. It was so sudden that I wanted to take a step back but held my ground. His smile came back but I could see it didn't reach his eyes. 

"Yes ma'am. He's my uncle."

A/N: So I've introduced Helena's father: Rhinon as well as Leo which is one of the 5 'capture targets'. :) 

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