Chapter 25

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The surroundings were obscured in greenery, giving the entire place a feel as though we were inside of the Forest rather than inside a house. 

When the child, Helena, had came stumbling out of the bushes behind me I'd turned to assess what had made her so excited. 

She was excited because of the plants? Seemed a rather odd thing to be so happy about. Then again I don't understand what happiness is. Maybe it's something to do with new things? 


I watched as Lily smiled at Helena's excitement. 

"Mommy, can you give me some flowers so I can make a crown?"

Lily slightly flinched but held a smile. It made me mad that Helena would ask something so stupid. Since Lily was connected to the plants of course it would hurt for her to kill them just so she could make a dumb crown. When I was about to open my mouth to berate her, Lily lightly patted my hand. 

I gave her a shocked look but she just smiled at me warmly. 

"It's okay, Nathaniel," she whispered for only me to hear. Even though she said that though, I didn't believe her. 

"Sure, sweetie. Just give me a minute." 

With her eyes shut she began to gently coax the plants around her. They rustled in slight agitation and I watched as Lily slightly trembled before she used her Soul Weapon to slice a few flowers that had lovingly caressed her arm. 

Where her dagger had sliced through the plants had begun to weep, resembling blood or tears at the loss. 


It wasn't Helena's fault that she didn't understand the significance in me having to kill the plants for something she liked. I didn't mind but the loss was still present. 

"Here you go, sweetheart. I'm going to help the boys with something so please try to keep it down a bit," I said as I gave her a smile and the handful of flowers. 

"Okay, Mommy. I'll go back towards the Koi pond and play," she nodded her head vigorously before skipping away. 

"Lily," Nathaniel angrily spoke up to my left, "Why'd you do that?! You're shaking because of it."

I turned to give him my attention before giving a genuine smile at his concern. "It's okay, Nathaniel. Truly. I'm only reacting to the plants emotions."

"That's not just reacting to the plants emotions!" He stood up and begun to pace in his anger. 

"Nathaniel, do you still wish for me to teach you?"

That stopped him and he gave me a confused look. "Sit down and I'll begin helping you and Vincent with tapping into your Mental Strength."

My voice sounded tired from trying to battle the injury done when I'd cut the flowers. I hadn't been lying to Nathaniel about the plants emotions but I'd not told the complete truth. If I injure plants of any kind without logical reasoning I'm given a sort of back lash. The magic repels and slices into me. Unfortunately, making flower crowns isn't a viable reason for destroying such a beautiful life. It didn't help that I felt guilty. 

Helena was a child though and didn't fully understand the ramifications for me to do that and to my own plants as well. It wouldn't have hurt nearly as much if it wasn't plants I'd grown and used my own magic nurturing. 

Once Nathaniel sat back down and gave me his full attention I begun to explain. 

"First, anything I tell you isn't allowed to leave our group. Understood," I asked as I waited for a response. At their nods I continued, "You'll need to meditate. Similar to when you absorb Magic."

"I've not unlocked my Stars," came Vincent's response. 

"I know. You don't need to unlock them though in order to find the path I'll instruct you towards. Have you ever meditated before? Some people do even before practicing Magic."

He nodded slightly and I looked at Nathaniel to see if he ever had. 

"I've never meditated," Nathaniel said nervously. I wasn't going to question him though. Just because he was a 5 Star Magician didn't mean he ever meditated. If a Magician was under immense trauma the Elements would seek them out to heal the body and mind without conscious thought.

"That's fine. I'll explain it anyways. Get into a comfortable upright position and allow your muscles to relax. Once you've found the place that is the most soothing, begin to cleanse the mind of any distracting thoughts. You'll know when you reach this state. I won't need to tell you anything further."

It wasn't that I was a bad teacher but it was honestly up to the student to reach that point. What I meant when I said they'd know when they reached the state I was speaking of is because once the mind is cleared you can feel the Elements. As opposed to the Natural Element your Stars give to the individual, when strengthening the Mind it is indiscriminate and absorbs every Element. This is to cement and strengthen the control over your Mind. 

I watched on as both boys tried to reach the state. Vincent was the first to relax his body and it almost happened immediately after I'd stated it. Nathaniel was still struggling to let go of the tension. 

Instead of pulling the Elements into myself, I allowed it to circulate through my body as I watched on. The Garden put me into a relaxing lull as I waited. 

I'm the Mother of the Heroine? (Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora