Chapter 22

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A/N: I'll be introducing another character from the 'Capture Targets' in this chapter; Vincent. If you remember in one of my notes he's the one with black hair, blue eyes, and very unemotional. I consider him to have 'dead eyes'. Enjoy the chapter. 


In the morning I was woken by Helena jumping on me. 

"Mommy! Daddy brought another boy over. Now the house is full of cooties!"

My eyes were having a difficult time adjusting to the light streaming in through the balcony doors. 

"Mmm? What Helena? It's too early to be so excited."

"Mooooooom! Wake up. You're supposed to be the adult here," she pouted as she nudged me from the side. Realizing I was effectively ignoring her in favor of my pillow she pushed her legs out and kicked me off the bed. 

I landed with a thud with my body sprawled. 

"Ouch! You rotten egg. What was that for?" My eyes had sprung open and began to water from trying to adjust. 

"Hehehe. Mommy you look funny," she giggled as she peered over the side of the bed, allowing her pink tresses to cascade onto my face. 

"I'm sure I do considering you just pushed your own mom onto the floor."

One of the things I'd noticed since transmigrating here was that my emotional maturity level seemed to regress to that of my younger years. Before, I had felt every bit the full grown woman who had lived through repeated bouts of Cancer but the longer I stayed here my mindset seemed to warp back to when I was a teenager. My thoughts on it were mostly connected to the way I looked on the surface being the reason why. 

Helena stuck her tongue out at me. 

"Daddy brought home another weird boy like you mommy."

"Another one," I raised my eyebrow at that while I picked myself off the floor. 

"He seems more like a doll though," she pouted, "When I teased him he didn't have any reaction."

"He probably just didn't like being teased," I commented with amusement. 

While she continued pouting and talking about the boy I changed into a clean pair of clothes. Today I was wearing a white breast band that had lace covering it with a racer back in the front and a strip of lace in back, leaving my Markings visible. 

(A/N: I've replaced the previous horrible drawing with an image that was similar to how I felt this top looked

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(A/N: I've replaced the previous horrible drawing with an image that was similar to how I felt this top looked. :P)

The skirt was the exact same as all my other skirts, dragging along in the back to connect me to the magic easily. It matched the top with a solid white beneath but a lace covering. 

Before leaving the room I braided my long hair to drape over my left shoulder with a white ribbon woven in. 

"Mommy you look beautiful."

Helena was looking at me with admiration. 

"So do you, sweetie. Who helped you get dressed?"

"I chose it myself!" She puffed up in pride. I'd noticed that it was something she had chosen simply because it was mismatched. Regardless though, she looked adorable. 

She was wearing a pink dress that fell to her knees but had on light blue stockings. Her hair was loose and looked soft to the touch. Pink eyes that were framed with charcoal black eyelashes fanning her cheeks peered up at me. 

"I bet you did. Let's go get breakfast." 

"I already ate," she huffed out, "You took to long to wake up."

With the mention of the time I glanced outside and noticed the lighting was too bright for it to be morning. It must be around afternoon. 

"So it would seem. I'll eat by myself then."

"No! I want to stay with you. That other boy is weird and Nathaniel said he's too busy."

At the mention of the other boy I became intrigued. 

"Since he seems to be staying with us, I'll go meet him."

Helena pouted some more, giving me puppy dog eyes. "You're my mom. I won't allow it!"

I gave her an amused look before picking her up. "Who said I wasn't going to be your mom? Stop being silly. I just want to introduce myself to him since he'll be staying with us."

"Fine," she huffed.

A/N: It's slightly short but at the beginning of this book I'd said the chapters would be short anyways. :P 

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