Fight Me

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Jerome was finally a free man again.

After all those long months of containment in Arkham, his savior had finally come in the form of Theo Galavan, that saint.

Jerome was taking full advantage of his newfound freedom, especially seeing as word hadn't gotten out yet about the breakout. He'd never been exploring in Gotham before, as he'd been with the circus and there was no time between that and his bitching mother.

He decided that he wanted to take a self-guided tour through the rougher parts of Gotham. After all, who was rougher than him?

So Jerome took a walk on the wild side and somehow found himself in an underground street fighting ring.

It was the kind of place that made you wonder how people got so scummy. Or better yet, how the cops hadn't found it yet and shut it down. It was beautiful.

Jerome watched in morbid excitement as a man's head was smashed open by one of the fighter's hammers. Anything went in the ring once the fight started. Guns, swords, knives, armor—you name it and it was probably legal—at least in the ring.

The announcer only added to the chaos, encouraging fighters to play dirty and get the floor a little bloody. After another newbie came and got his hand chopped off before accepting defeat, the announcer came back up to hype up the crowd, catching Jerome's wandering attention.

"And now, the fight you've all been waiting for! Our champion, who needs no name other than her own, the fearless Y/N!" She shouted, and the crowd roared.

Jerome watched in anticipation as a short girl was revealed stepping into the ring. He wouldn't take her for someone threatening at all. She looked like a kitten trying to play tough.

"And the challenger! He's big, he's tough, he's won twenty fights just like this one—it's Macdeath!"

A giant of a man stepped into the ring, a true red headed Scotsman with kilt and all. The floor shook as he walked, but Y/N didn't seem fazed.

"Don't you worry, lassie. I'll take it easy on ya!" He winked at her.

Y/N said nothing, keeping a stern poker face. Her entire body was tensed, waiting for the go-ahead from the announcer to attack.

This should be interesting, Jerome thought, watching intently.


Y/N was off like a shot, looking like a deadly wildcat as she punched and kicked all over the enormous Scotsman. Her shots were precise and strong, and she never once got hit by his swinging club as she attacked him, ducking and dodging his slow hits.

Macdeath didn't seem too terribly fazed by her frequent blows, but he was getting more and more frustrated by his inability to hit her. It's going to make him slip up, Jerome realized. Which is exactly what Y/N is waiting for.

Just as he'd expected, Macdeath swung too far, putting him off balance and giving Y/N the opening she'd been hoping for. She kicked hard on the back of his right knee, as that had been the one holding most of his weight.

Macdeath collapsed to the ground, and Jerome watched in fascination as Y/N tackled him, securing his arm behind his back and pulling until it looked like it was about to break.

But a glint of metal caught his eye. Macdeath was trying to pull a knife on Y/N!

Jerome felt the need to shout a warning to the girl. But she wasn't his, and he liked death, so why did he want to save her?

It didn't matter anyway. Y/N almost immediately caught on to the knife and ripped it from his hand, pushing up on his other arm and breaking it, causing Macdeath to let out a loud bellow and collapse to the floor in defeat.

Y/N carefully stood, still holding the knife.

As the announcer approached to congratulate her, Macdeath got up again, ready to attack Y/N from behind.

But Y/N was ready. She stabbed him in the gut with his own knife and shoved him back to the floor, where he stayed.

"Y/N is your winner once again!" The announcer shouted to the crowd's approval, lifting Y/N's bloody, knife-wielding arm into the air.

When Y/N exited the ring, Jerome was waiting.

"Keep it moving ginger," she threatened without looking at him. "You can avenge your fat cousin another day. I don't feel like beating your face in right now."

"Why? Because it's so handsome?" Jerome flirted, unfazed by her apparent disinterest.

Y/N exhaled and turned to face him.

"No, because I won't get money for beating up some chump," she replied, cocking her hip and placing a hand on it.

"You're bad," Jerome noticed.

"Yeah, well why don't you go make me a sandwich? Or better yet, a beer. I can't deal with your shit sober. I don't get paid enough for this," Y/N retorted.

"What's a pretty girl like you need money for anyway? Boyfriend don't take good enough care of ya?" He asked, following her around the ring and out the back door.

"Listen clown, the only skill set I got is my body. I figure that gets me one of two jobs. I chose this one," she growled. "Now back off before I rearrange your face. At this point I'd do it for free."

"As much as I'd love to receive your version of reconstructive surgery, I've gotta split, doll. Don't wanna get taken back to Arkham too soon," Jerome smiled.

"What happened, ginger? Get too freaky with a girl?" Y/N joked.

"If you mean chopping my mother to bits with an axe, then sure. She didn't use the safe word," Jerome answered, chuckling.

"Damn, your head is all kinds of fucked up, isn't it?" Y/N asked.

"I'm free, gorgeous. Wanna join me?" Jerome offered.

"If I ever get that desperate I'll come find you," she responded.

"Oh you won't have to, doll. I'll be keeping a very close eye on you," Jerome said.

"Good to know," Y/N snorted, climbing onto her motorcycle. She revved it a couple of times before speaking again. "You look like you'd be shit at fighting, ginger."

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see, gorgeous. And the name's Jerome. You better learn it quick, because you'll be seeing a lot more of me," Jerome replied.

"Fight me, ginger," Y/N winked, riding off.

"Oh I will," Jerome whispered to himself.

Word Count: 1094
I'm playing catch up now so that there's one for every day that's passed. Expect more updates to come. And pretty please vote and comment if you liked them! Thanks a bunch!

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