Lady Swap

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No one was quite sure how they came to be a thing. Jerome and Barbara that is.

She came into Arkham the hot spitfire and he was a total wacko working for Sionis when she got there. He convinced her that she needed the resources he and his "friend" could get her, and after she proved to Richard just how much she wanted that damn telephone, she drifted back to Jerome.

They probably bonded over their mutual mommy and daddy issues. But one day they just came into the cafeteria as a thing, and that's just the way it's been.

All relationships have their weaknesses.

Theirs was a volatile one, conversations prone to dissolve into screaming matches on a dime. On the outside, they didn't seem to agree on much at all, and both of them were constantly vying for control. Many thought that their relationship survived through makeup sex.

Just a lot of sex in general.

So is wasn't exactly a surprise when they were found making out in closets or fighting in dark alcoves. No one really ever knew what to expect from those two.

Your first day in Arkham was on a fighting day. You were a good girl, but your voices got you in trouble. Your personality was most definitely split. The you that existed without influence was very innocent and sweet, the polar opposite of the person you became when you let your voices take over.

You were hauled in quite roughly by a guard and left in the cafeteria with the other inmates, pouting at the ugly dress they made you wear. Looking around anxiously, you couldn't quite decide where to go, as a majority of inmates were looking at you quite hungrily.

Maybe they should eat their lunches if they're so hungry, You thought to yourself.

Have you seen what's on those trays? It's no wonder they're not eating.

Jerome owned two of those hungry eyes staring you down. He and Babs were in a tiff still and the prospect of pissing her off sounded wonderful, to say the least.

"Why don't you come on over here, princess?" He called across the room, silencing most everyone else. You flicked your gaze to him uncertainly. "I wouldn't hurt you, button. Come on over here and see me!"

Barbara watched, enraged, from her seat beside Sionis, who was all too happy to have her company.

Not sure what else to do, you obeyed him, the dark glint in his eyes warning you it was best to do so. Foolishly, you thought that he wouldn't harm you if you listened.

"Good girl," he murmured to you once you'd sat down next to him. "What's your name, babygirl?"

"Y/N," you answered hesitantly. The side of you in control was rather naive and shy, quite different from manipulative Barbara. Jerome found himself starting to appreciate that difference.

"What a sweet little girl you are," he cooed, reaching out to stroke your cheek and then your hair. "Do you always do what everyone tells you, pumpkin?"

You nod brightly, proud to be the good, obedient girl that you are. "Oh yes. I listen to everybody, especially the voices."

"The voices?" Jerome asked, tilting his head. A crazy smirk formed on his face. "So that's how you wound up in here, doll face. What did they tell you to do last time?"

"They asked me to chop him up into little pieces, yes they did. And I was so good and I did it, I chopped him all up. But then I felt bad when I woke up," you explained in the brightest voice. "See they told me to kill him and paint pretty pictures with his blood, and I wanted to listen, but it felt mean. So they said it was okay, and I could just let her take over and do it and I would still be good. And I am!"

Jerome listened, fascinated by your dark and complicated character. Bubbly and eager to please on this side... so what was the other side like?

"Can I meet her?" He wondered. "Will you be a good girl and let her come out for a little for me?"

"I can. I can be good. But she may not want me to come back for a while. Is that okay?" You asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, sweetie. I just want to talk to her for a little bit. I'm sure I can convince her to let you back, okay?" Jerome assured you.

"Alright, I trust you," you said, and closed your eyes.

Jerome watched, intrigued and so curious as to what was about to happen. Making Barbara jealous had completely slipped his mind.

When your eyes opened again, there was a confident gleam to them, and you smirked, leaning back and cocking your head.

"Hello there, gorgeous, I'm Y/N, and you are?" You purred, sultry and arrogant.

"Jerome, hot stuff. So you're the dark side. Tell me, is there really cake?" The ginger chuckled, checking you out more fully.

"I don't know about cake, but I'm certainly sweet, Daddy," you replied, licking your lips as you appreciate his good looks.

"Daddy, huh? Let me guess, he's the one that you chopped to bits?" Jerome asked, smiling darkly.

"Old man didn't know how to quit while he was ahead. I'm sure you know that little me is so eager to please. But it was never good enough for him," you growled. "I tried to tell her to give it up, but the poor thing was too nice. So I took over and killed the son of a bitch. Needless to say, we're short a daddy now. Care to apply?"

Infatuated as he was, Jerome had forgotten all about Barbara. Your proposition reminded him that he was currently taken. But perhaps not for much longer.

He and Babs didn't work because they were both control freaks. They couldn't compromise, they couldn't agree, and they couldn't trust each other. All she had going for her was her looks and sex. And, well, it seemed that you were more than willing to make up for that, and you were certainly a looker yourself. Maybe someone more submissive was exactly what he needed.

"Thing is, doll, I'm already employed. But maybe I'll put in my two weeks notice," he replied.

"Quit instead, handsome. You don't need that bitch on your resumé," you laughed, gripping his thigh suggestively.

"Now that I think about it, you're not so sweet. Bring back the little you and maybe I'll change my mind," Jerome suggested with narrowed eyes. He definitely didn't need another girl with an attitude, though he could appreciate the sass and sexiness of your dark side in moderation.

"Oh, fine," you pouted. "Kiss for the road, Daddy?"

"Not yet you little minx," he answered with a grin. You sighed and reluctantly closed your eyes again, allowing your littler self to regain control.

When they opened again, there was only a bright happiness in them. "Are you really gonna be my new daddy?"

"For a sweetheart like you, gorgeous? Definitely. Now you wait here like a good girl and don't talk to anyone. I have to go and fight a witch and her pet dragon," Jerome winked, sauntering off towards Richard and Barbara.

Word Count: 1216
So I haven't done one of these in a while, but this was requested a bit ago and I finally got it done. Hope you like it! Check out my book Rapunzel for more Jerome content, but I am still taking requests here from anyone that has them. Vote and comment if you enjoyed, and have a good weekend everyone!

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