Partner Part 3

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Jim found himself rushing with Harvey to investigate the new residence of Paul Cicero, Jerome's father that had left the circus. Jim's hopes of finding Y/N rested on whatever Cicero could tell them about Jerome.

"Mr. Cicero? GCPD! It's Detective Gordon, we need to speak with you about your son," he announced as he banged on the door. Jim heard no response, and just as he went to knock again, there was an agonized shout from within.

He and Harvey knocked down the door and ran in, guns raised. All that they found was Cicero's dead body, a knife in one of his blind eyes. Jim looked left and saw the window open, curtains fluttering in the breeze.

"Harvey! Window!" Jim shouted, dashing that way.

As he peered out, looking for the killers, Harvey moved towards Cicero and touched his hand, causing it to fall and release the knockout gas that was held beneath it. Jim heard his partner collapse and ran back to him, attempting to cover his nose and mouth as he dragged him out. However, Jim still inhaled the fumes and felt himself getting tired and dizzy.

A casual whistling tune broke through his hallucinating mind and he saw Jerome behind him.

"Detective Gordon," the cheery ginger smiled. "Old pal! That gas sure packs a wallop huh?"

Jim lunged at him weakly, consumed by his anger, but Jerome easily caught him and tutted at his attempt, taking his gun from his hand.

"That's cute," he chuckled as he still held Jim's body, childishly stroking at his hair.

Suddenly Jim came back to himself and attacked again, with more force. He shoved Jerome into the wall by his throat.

"I'm sensing anger," Jerome choked.

"You took Y/N and killed Sarah Essen. Now I'm going to kill you," Jim growled.

Jerome shook his head, smiling, as he drew Jim's gun and put it to his head.

"Don't shoot him," ordered a familiar voice. Jim turned from Jerome, and through hazy vision, could have sworn he saw Y/N! She'd escaped somehow, and was now here to help him end Jerome!

Jerome backhanded Jim with the gun, sending him flying to the floor. Jerome gasped in air and adjusted his collar, rubbing at his tender throat.

"How about a little flesh wound?" Jerome asked, aiming at Jim again.

Jim was raising up and trying to crawl to Y/N. He looked up at her and saw the lower portion of her face covered by a mask. But he'd still know her anywhere.

"Nuh-uh," she chided Jerome. "My dibs."

And Jim watched in utter confusion as her leg reared back and his old partner kicked him in the face, making him see stars and finally fall unconscious.


"Thank you for coming on such short notice, but how did you know our magician dropped out, Mr..."

"Rodolfo," Jerome supplied, grinning. "Well, you know, magic."

Both the woman and Y/N giggled at his little joke. Adoration shined in the young woman's eyes beneath her mask.

"Oh, I won't be needing that," he told Y/N with a large grin. She returned the smile and slammed the lid on the trunk containing the tied up magician.


"Without further ado, allow me to present to you... the Great Rodolfo!" Lee announced on stage.

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