When She Didn't Cheat

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Y/N and I have been dating for a solid eleven months, and we just moved in together a few months ago.

The last two weeks I've been "working late", meaning I've been out murdering way later than usual due to some insurgence against the cult. Of course Y/N knows all about my criminal activity, she just doesn't really like to include it in our daily conversations. And since she respects the more gruesome actions of my profession and doesn't question them, I respect her desire to not know about them.

I'd purposefully lied and told her that I'd be working late tonight so that I could surprise her with her favorite flowers and take out.

I slowly open the door and peek inside. "Y/N? Babe?"

I hear no response and frown, walking in on my own. She not home? I lay the bouquet of flowers down on the counter with the take out and hear a strange noise. It sounded like a moan, followed by a squeaking of the bedsprings. What? Y/N would never, right? Maybe she's just sick and is having trouble getting out of bed?

Try as I might, no other situation I come up with sounds plausible. The only solution is to check for myself and see what is going on. I move slowly down the hallway to our room, not wanting to alert her to my presence quite yet, even if it is nothing.

I push the door open cautiously, terrified by what I might find. I immediately sigh out in relief when I see that Y/N is asleep in bed—alone. However, she is making noises and rolling around. I narrow my eyes. What is she dreaming about?

My girl starts to pant and I become worried. Just as I reach out to wake her, she shoots up out of bed. When she sees me, she screams and backs away. I cock my head to one side at her actions. What's wrong?

"Please don't hurt me, Jerome, I would never cheat on you!" Y/N pleads.

"Whoa, babe, what's the matter?" I ask, dashing over to sit beside her.

She flinches before seemingly realizing that I'm not going to hurt her. Then she leans into me, seeking the comfort my body provides.

"Oh it was horrible! I dreamed that I cheated on you, and you killed me!"
Y/N sobs. I wince.

That is totally what I would do in that situation.

"Sweetheart, it's alright. I love you, you love me, and neither of us are cheating on the other," I soothe.

"It just felt so real, and it was like I was watching from outside my body," Y/N explains.

"Listen, neither of us are going to cheat on each other," I comfort. "In fact, if you're so worried about it..."

I stand and pull her to her feet in front of me.

"Jerome, what—" Y/N shuts her mouth when I drop to one knee.

"Listen, I'd intended to make this moment so much more romantic and cheesy for you, but I think this is perfect for us. You can be wooed by my choice in food and flowers after," I joke, pulling out the ring box and opening it.

"But right now, I need to tell you that you made me believe that I can be loved, something I thought was impossible after my mother. And you also made me realize that I can love. And I love you, with every little bit of me. Especially with one bigger bit of me," I wink, making an innuendo. Y/N giggles and hits my arm. "So, for the both of us, I want to ask if we can be together forever. If you will have me forever. If you'll marry me."

Y/N's eyes water and she nods her head excitedly. I grin, probably the widest I ever have, and pull the ring from the box, sliding it onto her finger.

Y/N only spares the ring and diamond a glance before she flings herself at me, kissing me passionately. I smile into her mouth and return her kiss just as passionately. I'm able to slip my tongue into her mouth, caressing hers with mine before she pulls away. She gazes deep into my eyes and pecks me on the lips again before embracing me tightly. I return her hug and slowly move my hands until one rests on the neck of her neck, and the other is squeezing her butt. Y/N gasps and pulls away.

"What about the dinner?" She asks breathlessly.

"The dinner can wait," I groan, moving us both onto the bed.

That night, I made love to my fiancé for the first time. And I was right. Neither of us cheated on each other.

Word Count: 801
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