4.The park

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It had been three days since I had seen Andrea.I missed her so much even though we had talked on the phone.My mind was invaded by thoughts of her.Everywhere I went I thought of her.The four years after I saw her at the gala weren't as bad since I didn't know a single thing about her but now that I had seen what an amazing woman she is it would never be the same.

She was always on my mind even when I was in a meeting with the board.I wasn't listening at all.Sure people's mouths were moving but no words seemed to be coming out.

Then I was pulled out of my reverie by someone calling my name,"Mr.Stark...Mr.Stark...ummh...Mr.Stark...we need your opinion on the issue "


"We need your opinion on Ozlas Industries " I started remembering everything I knew about our Russian clients and the papers my assistant had handed me the previous day.Thankfully I had gone over them and wasn't going to make a complete fool of myself.Not that I would care I had the power to fire everybody in that room.Even my best friend Mark.He works for Stark Industries.

"...Offer them a two year contract and call inform me as soon as you get news from Shaparova himself " I said putting emphasis on the name 'Shaparova ' .And with that I left the board room Mark following me behind.I walked into my office and he followed.

"What the f**k was that?"He yelled as I took a seat behind my desk.It had a mountain of urgent paperwork on it that needed attending to.

"What the f**k was what?"I was playing dumb.I knew very well what he was about to say.

"The whole meeting you weren't paying attention even when Michael spilled hot coffee on himself " He began laughing but regained his composure and continued " it was awesome...but that's not the problem at hand here.What's up?Is that girl from the club messing with your head?You're getting old man get over it"

He didn't know about my date with Andrea.He just knew that I met a girl in a club and he just thinks I struck out.We hadn't talked about it much.If he knew I went on a date he would surely mock me till the cows come home.I just decided to tell him.

"First of all,I am not getting old and...I went on a date with Andrea"

"Oh my God does she have super lady powers or something because she got you going on 'dates' "He almost gagged on the word 'dates' of which he said with so much hatred and disgust."she got wrapped around her little finger.You really like her "


"Yes she does..in fact I bet you can't say her name without smiling."
Why lie?I was completely infatuated with her.Just the thought of her made me...ok that doesn't matter at the moment.

"It's her" Mark furrowed his eyebrows clearly confused.I pinched the bridge of my nose."Do I have to spell it out for you?..."still confused " the girl from the gala...you know four years ago"His eyes widened all of a sudden.The room went quiet.

"No wonder...she got my boy here all..."my stern look and clenched fist stopped him from completing his sentence.

"So what you gonna do? "

"What I wanted to do for four years.I asked her out and she said 'yes' obviously so we went on a date on Friday.Just one problem " He took a seat " she... doesn't know who I am-"He smirked and I paused "and she is...Andrea Castro "

"What!?" He jumped out of his seat " Oh you messed up.You have a death wish,don't you?You know who her father is?"He ran his hand through his hair

"No,I don't " I said sarcastically."...I looked her up its true"

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