12.Resisting him

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Running into Andrea during the weekend wasn't intentional .More of a happy accident .I was just going back home from the office .I was at the office that afternoon because of some work I had to attend to in the morning.

Sure Jason,my personal assistant would keep me updated on her whereabouts every four hours but I did not expect to see her walking on the sidewalk looking just as sexy as always in casual clothes.

I simply had to find an excuse to get her to have lunch with me.

I actually managed to get her to kiss me .I know it hadn't really been that long since we 'broke up' as she would put it but it felt like years,decades.

The kiss was missed and just as passionate if not more than the last .And it only made me want her more. I craved her.

So I spent a huge portion if the weekend trying to distract myself from thinking about her .A minute would not pass without me getting a dirty thought in my head again .

Since I met her I hadn't slept with anyone at all .I didn't find other women appealing anymore .Just her .You can only image what a dry spell of at least six weeks can do to a man like me .

Don't get me wrong,I didn't just want to have sex with her,I wanted her to be mine .She's the only person I had ever felt this way about.


After a whole weekend of futile attempts at distracting myself the week began .

I still couldn't get the images if Andrea out of my head .I am a very creative person so you can only imagine the things that were going on in my head .Her and I in my bedroom,the kitchen island,my office,the pool in penthouse,the living room,everywhere.

It certainly didn't help that I was in a boring meeting with Sebastian Castro and some of his workers .A meeting that she attended and was sitting right across from me .She was paying attention on what was being said,writing stuff down on her notepad but I still caught some of her gazes.

Every time I caught her glance she would swiftly look away from me .Unlike her I wasn't going to hide the fact that I was staring except from her father who was shooting daggers at me with his eyes from across the room .Of course for his benefit I looked away for a second then go back to staring.

God,I wanted to take her right there and then on the conference table or on my chair even against the wall.

The things I could teach her.

I went back to listening to Sebastian talk about what he wanted for the his new building .Thankfully Jason was there to right down stuff so that if i missed something important I'd go over it later .This method worked for years and it spared me the embarrassment of having to admit my absentmindedness.

It ended at eleven and not more than an hour later did I get a call that I was urgently needed in Russia for business .I left the country but not before making sure that Andrea got a surprise in my absence.

Jayden ,my brother wouldn't be joining me since he was caught up in London .He'd moved there a few years ago after the sudden death of his almost fiance .When she died he was left a broken man so he moved to England to heal and has lived there since.

Recently my parents,mostly my father had been pressing him to move back .I feared soon they'd force him to marry .Father only cared about having an heir to the Stark fortune and Jayden was the elder brother.

Yep,that's Jonathan Stark for you .The man I called father .I still survived living with him when I was younger .

I wonder how.


It was hard not to gawk at Damon during the meeting that morning .Have you seen the man?

I had to be strong since I didn't know what his intentions were .He did lie to me the whole time we were dating .He'd betrayed my trust and I wasn't gonna forgive him that easily.

What made things harder was that that very evening I got the most amazing thing delivered to my apartment from him.

A huge brown teddy bear and a smaller one to go with it .The big one was even larger than me and I liked hugging it.They were so cute.

I can't just forgive him no matter how many cute presents he sends over.

I looked at the card.

They're not as cute as you,beautiful.


Why was he making it so hard to stay mad at him?

How can I possibly survive this?...You know what maybe I'm just being hard headed...

Should I just forget he lied to me?

Is he just playing me?

Maybe this is just the second part of his little game that he decided to play on someone.

Then again,he could genuinely like me.

I decided to sleep on it .Then I slept on it the following day again and the following day .I was confused.

A week had gone by and Damon had come back from his trip .I was told by a coworker where he had gone to and why. I was just curious. I was still confused on whether or not to let Damon into my heart.

Sitting in my office sending important emails I heard a knock at the door.

"Yes " I said loudly enough for the person to hear me.

The person who walked in wasn't expected at all .

I stood up and looked at him .Involuntarily a scream of joy escaped my throat.ran to him and hugged him.



Sorry I took a while to update and I'm even more sorry for the length of the chapter .

Thanks again.

Who is Luca?

Keep reading to find out.

I love you so much for reading this .Its my first book.


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