9.His new office

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Just imagine one minute you are on the phone talking and laughing with your mother,the next you're pinned on the wall by the same man you don't want to see again.

The funny thing is that for a moment when he had me in his hold all i wanted was for him to kiss me.Sure I hate him but I can't deny the fact that I find him handsome and alluring.

Never again.

I promised myself not to let myself want him again.Speaking of promises the one he made scared me.The look in his eyes as he said made me sure he wasn't planning on breaking his promise.

"I WILL get you back Andrea and that is a promise"

Did he mean it?Most likely.

Did I want him to mean it?Deep inside yes.

Damon Stark is a player.Damon Stark does not deserve you.Damon Stark is bad for you Andrea.Stay away from him.He lied to you.He just wants you in his bed.Like dad said,Damon Stark is a man whore.

I still cared about him.I still liked him.I was ok at first then he just had to come into my home looking all sexy and kissable.Very kissable.That's when I started falling apart.I was built a high wall around my heart to keep him out but it only took less than five minutes in a room with him to smash it.

Back to phase one;forgetting him.

My mom called me back while I was still disoriented by the events that had occurred a few minutes before.I hadn't even closed the door after he left.I closed the door,picked up the phone I had dropped on the floor when Damon was still there and answered the call.

"Hi mom,sorry I hung up on you like that"

"It's fine.What happened?"

"Ummh...nothing.When will you be in New York again?"I tried to change the subject.My mother owns a charity organisation back in Brazil for kids so she travels there a lot.In my sophomore year of high school,all my brothers had either began college or finished we all moved to America since dad had expanded the company .Mom liked Brazil so much she stayed there and I stayed with her.My dad would come to Brazil frequently.This was till my dad insisted she move to New York when I was in college so she did.

"Soon honey.I hope you father isn't bothering you too much .I know how protective he can be " my mom and I are really close.

"He isn't bothering me mom "

"Good.You told me you have a boyfriend how is he ?"

"Actually...we...we broke up"

"Are you ok?What did he do?"

"I'm ok " I tried to make up an excuse fast.I didn't want to tell her what actually happened.I trusted her but didn't want to talk about it.The best thing to do at the moment was to keep my mind of Damon " H-he is moving to...ummh...Beijing yeah...he's moving to Beijing " I am such a bad lier.

"Long distance isn't a problem,look at your father and I,we make it work I'm sure you can"

"Yours is different you live in Brazil temporarily.He is moving for the next...six years " if only it were true,it would make things easier.

"Ok.Sorry anyway.When the right man comes along you'll know.You won't be able to keep your mind off him no matter how hard you try.And he will live you more than you know"

"Thanks mom.I have to go.Bye love you"

After finishing up with my phone call I didn't have the energy to cook so I just ordered in.The good thing about resturant food,no dishes.I'm lazy that way.

Before I went to bed I today myself 'just keep your mind off him tomorrow and you'll be ok"


I woke up early that moment.I am always excited for work on Fridays because it's the last day of the week.No matter how much you love your occupation work is still work and you still look forward to the weekend.

The other good thing about Friday is casual Friday.I hoped I hadn't taken it over board when I chose to wear blue denim jeans,a pastel pink top,a black zip back weaving suede wooden heel ankle boots and a long black Cardigan.I held my hair up in a messy bun.

Before leaving the house I grabbed my phone and placed it in my light pink mini gucci shoulder bag.

Getting off the elevator I was too busy checking my emails that I bumped into someone.I looked up from my phone to see a man in some sort of baige uniform helping another man in the same uniform carry a a big mahogany desk.

I stepped aside to get a look at what they were doing.They were moving furniture into the empty office on the floor.The same floor mine and my father's offices were.It looked like they were almost done with what they were doing meaning they must have began way earlier.I checked the time on my phone.8:45.

Is Alex back?

I wondered if my brother Alex,better known as Alexander was back from Asia and decided to use the empty room.But there was no sign of my older brother.

Then I saw a man,not older than twenty five directing the men on where to place each peace if furniture in the big office and approached him.The man had glasses and unruly red hair.I walked through the threshold and spoke facing the man " What's happening here?"

"We are moving furniture into Mr.Stark's office"

What!!!How am supposed to stay away from him when he is just two doors away.


"Beats me,he just told us to set up an office for him here.Would you believe him?He called me last night and told me to have his office ready by nine o'clock in the morning "

That tyrant!What kind of person pulls a man out of his home in the middle of the night.I'm sure this poor man went through a lot of trouble to get this done by morning.

"Where is he!?"

"H-He is not here yet..."

I walked out of there and straight into my office but I left the doors open so that I would know when he arrived.I couldn't even do anything.I was furious with him.

Thirty minutes later I saw him walk into his office wearing a nicely cut three-piece dark blue suit with black shoes.I walked into his office before he closed the door.The same man i talked to earlier whose desk was right outside the door gave me a look as i got in.

He had was already behind his desk opening his laptop.A devilish smirk appeared on his face when I cleared my throat to get his attention.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"What do you mean sweetheart?I'm working"

"Don't call me that!"I commanded.

"Don't call you what?'sweetheart'?So you prefer I call you baby then " He stood up.

"Arggh!You don't even work here!"

"That's where you are wrong baby."he moved to the side of the desk I was on,slowly approaching me "remember,I will work with this company.So for the next I don't know year you will see this face"

"But that doesn't make sense at all,if there is an office you should be in other than your own its the one in MIAMI " He should be in MIAMI because he owns the construction company that will be working on the new building in MIAMI.If his wasn't one of the best construction companies in the world we would have picked it.

"But I still work with Castro Enterprises and there are a lot of things I have to work out with you father,you wouldn't understand " I had been beaten in a game I didn't know had began.

So I left when I still had my dignity I stormed out of his office.Plus he was getting harder to resist by the minute,by the second.

I love you guys so much.

Till next time.

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