14.Dinner and a movie

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The night was warm and calm.There were many Newyorkers out and about laughing as they admire the enchanting and busy streets of Manhattan.

Luca's sleek red Maserati pulled up at the front of the restaurant. A very familiar restaurant .A restaurant I had been to before.The same one Damon took me to on our first date.Surely the universe had to be conspiring against me.

Like the gentleman he is,my date opened the car door for me.He gave the car keys to the valet and we went inside and we were directed to our table. Oh God. It was the same exact table Damon and I sat at last time.

I'm not one to swear but this seems like an appropriate moment...Oh shit.

It only reminded me of Damon.The point of going on a date with Luca was to see if we have a future together as more than friend and to move on from Damon.It. How was it supposed to do that when all i could think of was him ?

I struggled hard to get him off my mind but all of my attempts proved futile.

Luca must've noticed my discomfort and unease.

"What's wrong? Don't you like the restaurant ?"

"Of course I do...its just that...I've had a long day,how about we ordering " I am such a bad lier.

"You're lying Andrea "

"Can we just order?" I snapped "...I'm sorry "

He accepted my apology and we ordered.We chatted about the embarrassing things we did when we were younger.To me it felt like two friends having dinner together,I am not certain the feeling was mutual.

The date might have been in the same place at the same time of night as the one I had with Damon but believe me when I say this it was completely different from it.There were simply no sparks,no tingles on my skin as we touched.None ,none at all.Whenever I was with Damon my heart would race,the good kind of grace,it would feel like we were the only people on the planet,time was stop,reality would seize to exist and it was just...us.

With Luca,I just couldn't see him as anything other than a brother.He's handsome,built,sexy but I didn't feel the like him that way.

Why am I judging so soon?

The date wasn't even an hour in I was already taking the role of judge,jury executioner of the date.So I switched the roles and gave myself a court order to focus all on my date.My sweet and handsome date.

Look at him,his high cheekbones,long and dark hair he's obviously attractive,not as attractive as...no stop it Andrea,bad girl.


I couldn't take being in that restaurant anymore so I told Luca I was stuffed and that we should skip desert.The memories were just overwhelming for me.Knowing that less than two months I was sat at that table looking into the eyes of the man my heart cried out for but brain disapproved of wasn't exactly helping my appetite.

"What movie would you like to see?"

"Ummh...Jumanji looks good, Kai and Daniel told me it's good " Daniel and Kai had watched it and told me it was good and that it had the rock.Those two act like hormonal teenage girls sometimes,no,I take it back,all the time.You should've seen them go on and on about the movie completely forgetting the fact that they were together.

"Perfect...remember when we were younger and we would watch adventure movies in my tree house."It's was really fun.Dad never let me have a tree house because he believed I would get hurt so whenever I went to Luca's house I liked to spend time in amazing tree house.It was loaded with all kinds of tech but what would you expect from the son of a major tech mogal and inventor.

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