14: fighting & fighting fears

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What is the one thing that can get someone to go beyond their principles to an extent to do what they fear even if it means putting their own lives in danger? 

Peer pressure. 

If anyone expected the answer to be love, family, or friendship then it's time for me to remind you this is the twenty-first century filled with generation Z that only cares about themselves. I wouldn't let my nail chip or get my boots dirty even if the world was on fire. 

If we're saying things like "I'll kill for you" or "I'll protect you over my life" then we've watched too many fictional shows and the aftereffect daze of the unreal universe is still floating inside our heads. Give it time for the reality to set in and you'll understand what I mean. 

But peer pressure is one such weapon that puts this generation into achievement mode. The only way to get to the lot of us is not through our heads and hearts; it's through our egos. You hit our ego, we'll get the work done. You insult our egos, we will unleash hell and do even the impossible things. We're lazy geniuses that are put to sleep until there's an absolute necessity of our abilities. 

Peer pressure is what got Rainer Barcross to climb on the roller coaster with us despite his phobia of speed. If I didn't hate him so much, I'd be asking "what the hell is wrong with you? Get your ass out of the seat" right about now. 

But I hate him. And this was revenge, as long as he doesn't die. Else it becomes my second moment of disgrace today and I will carry one percent of the guilt for the rest of my life. 

No, I'm joking. 

One percent is too much for Rainer. Maybe just point five percent of the guilt. 

"It's just one loop right?" He asks out loud, holding the safety bar in front of him with his eyes pressed tightly shut before opening and blinking in continuous flaps. He seeks a look at Sam and me on either of his sides. 

How did Grayson take the seat that isn't on either of Rainer's sides? Peer pressure. Or more like Sam's pressure? Sam doesn't like the corner seats so the four-seater roller coaster didn't leave us with much choice. Grayson and I took the corners and left Sam and Rainer in the middle seats. 

Why isn't Sam sitting beside me? It was Rainer's only condition to come on the roller coaster. He thought separating my best friend and me would lessen the amount of fun we'd have. He probably didn't realize the roller coaster ride was not the fun we were awaiting for. All the fun was watching Rainer and betting on whether he would make it through or not. 

"One really twisted loop, yes," Sam answers and he groans, clenching and unclenching his hands as he eyed the coils of the coaster track. 

"We're ready." The ride in charge yells as he closes the gate and walks away from the carts. 

I've done roller coasters before. But everyone who is an ardent rider gets a little freaked out seconds before the ride is in action. So I'm gulping down my own share of nervousness and excitement. My palms are turning cold and I suspect it has everything to do with the weather and not the ride. 

A whistle goes out and I inhale a deep breath. As I exhale, I feel a warmth touch lace through my fingers and wrap around one of my hands. I don't look down at my hand because the only person who has a reach for it is sitting right beside me. Plus, over these past few months, I've grown very familiar with his touch. I don't need to see to confirm it's him, I can recognize it with just a touch. 

From the corner of my eyes, I see his eyes shut close and his head bows down. Anyone who could see him could tell he was frightened as hell. His skin was cold and pale, his hold of my hand got tighter by the second, and every bone in his body wanted to get out of this ride. 

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