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I woke up the next morning after getting maybe an hour of sleep. I wasn't a happy camper, to say the least. After getting ready much slower than usual, I finally made it outside to head to my truck. The sun was beating down on me, but it was still a bit cool out. My smile at the nice weather quickly disappeared as I remembered that Alice wouldn't be at school because of it. Grumbling to myself, I jumped up into my truck and started off to school.

Apparently skipping school on your second day as a new student is not the smartest thing for one to do. As I walked into science, Mr. Banner seemed to find it necessary to bombard me with questions, asking if I was okay and if anything happened.

"I'm fine, Mr. Banner. I wasn't feeling well yesterday, so I stayed home," I answered his questions, trying to act as innocent as possible. I didn't expect my façade would work in the least.

"Oh, of course Bella." Guess everyone can be proven wrong every now and then. "It's always hard to adjust to new surroundings. Just ask one of your classmates for the work that you missed and you'll be fine." I knew that he probably didn't act like that with everyone, but I didn't argue. I may have on any other day, but I was already in a sour mood due to lack of sleep as well as lack of Alice. It's a new disease that I'm already sure I could die of.

I nodded my thanks to Mr. Banner and made my way over to my seat. Even though I knew that Alice wouldn't be there, I still found myself glancing up at the door every time someone new walked in, hoping that she'd make a surprise entrance. Sadly, that didn't happen. As the bell rang, I sighed to myself and leaned my head on my hand. I looked out the window, hoping that this class would go by quickly and thinking about all that had already happened in such a short period of time. A quiet voice interrupted my thoughts not five minutes later.

"Uhm... Do you need the notes from yesterday?" I looked up to see who was addressing me to find the shy looking girl that sits in front of me looking right back at me. I think someone addressed her as Angela, but I couldn't be certain.

"Yeah, that'd be great..." I trailed off hoping that she'd supply her name.

"Angela. Angela Webber." She began to dig in her backpack as she continued talking. She wasn't one of those annoying talkers, though. Rather, she seemed contemplative about what she would say, and didn't spew out words just to say them. "I'm sorry we didn't get to talk before. I thought that you'd want at least a little space on your first day." I nodded in agreement eagerly. "I figured as much," she said with a laugh.

"You're about the only person that has been that courteous. And thanks." I held up the notebook that she just handed to me so she knew what I was thanking her for. She laughed again, loosening up and becoming less nervous.

"Well, you have to realize that you did just move into an incredibly small town with an equally small high school. Any new person is news, so with you already being kind of famous and all, it was huge news." She gave a sympathetic smile as I leaned back in my chair with a sigh.

"Oh, I know." I rubbed my eyes, continuing without looking up at her. "I just wish that I could go somewhere without people recognizing my name, you know?" She nodded understandingly. I noticed Mr. Banner trying to get the class' attention up at the front of the room. "Let me copy this real quick, and I'll get it back to you," I said, once again holding up Angela's journal. She nodded to me and turned back around in her seat. I copied them as quickly as possible, hoping that my handwriting would be legible enough to read again later. When I finished, I tapped Angela on the shoulder and whispered a quick thank you. She smiled and nodded, turning back around to face the front of the class.

I decided that I liked Angela. She seemed really cool and didn't pry too much into anything. I smiled to myself, noting that I should try to be friends with her. With nothing to keep my mind busy without the notes to copy, I found myself thinking once again about Alice.

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