Getting to Know Each Other

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Getting to Know Each Other

"You're such a brat, you know that?" Alice asked me for the umpteenth time. I rolled my eyes at her again before going back to the book I was reading.

"And you're a sore loser. You know that?" I countered, not taking my eyes off my book. I heard Alice grumble and lowered my book so I could see her sitting above me. I was currently laying with my head in her lap on the couch and had been doing so for the past few hours. It was just the two of us home, so it was finally quiet around the house. Not that I minded everyone else. It was just nice to have some quiet time with just Alice.

"I am not a sore loser. You just don't play fair." Alice pouted above me, crossing her arms in protest and slouching against the couch. I chuckled to myself before sitting up and turning to face her.

"Sorry to be the one to break it to you, hon, but they say all's fair in love and war. I would have thought you'd have heard that one by now." Alice rolled her eyes at me before sticking her tongue out. "Mature." Again, she stuck her tongue out. "Okay then. You stay down here and pout, but I'm going up to your room to get comfortable. You're welcome to join me when you're done," I said before pushing up off the couch and making my way to the staircase. I knew I wouldn't have to wait long before she'd join me.

As soon as I got to her room and lay down on her bed, Alice was walking through the door and over to me, pout still on her face. I smiled sweetly at her as she walked to me, trying to get her to smile back.

"Oh come on, Ali. Stop pouting." I reached out to her and pulled her down next to me on the bed. She didn't let the pout drop but still cuddled up next to me. "Please, Alice?" I asked again, putting a little pout into my voice. She glanced up at me before quickly looking away again. With a sigh, she finally spoke.

"Fine..." she said, sitting up and dragging me with her. "But that doesn't mean I won't get you back. And it's going to be when you least expect it." She glanced at me again before moving so that she was straddling my back and pulled me against her. It wasn't hard to get comfortable with her, and I instantly relaxed against her frame. "You are now warned." I laughed at how serious her voice sounded, which resulted in a scoff from her. "You think I'm kidding."

"Oh, I know you're not kidding. You just sounded so serious," I laughed out after trying and failing to sound serious as well. I turned my head sideways and looked up at my girlfriend, trying to read her expression. Her face was scrunched up as she looked back at me. I had to fight the smirk that pulled at my lips as I watched her.

Alice grumbled before looking away and glaring at the wall. Poor wall, I thought to myself before I reached for Alice's face and pulled it down, kissing her softly. "I don't think that wall deserves a glare that severe," I said jokingly once we broke apart.

"It's either that or glare at my cocky girlfriend." I mock gasped, channeling all I knew of over dramatizing into the action.

"Cocky girlfriend? Do I need to be jealous?" Alice looked at me again, raising her eyebrow.

"Really, Bella?" she asked, fighting off her smirk.

"Well yeah. There's no way you're talking about me. We've been through the whole cocky thing before, remember? Plus, I'm completely innocent in this." I grinned at her as innocently as possible, causing her to roll her eyes once again. "What?"

"Innocent is not a word to describe you, love. Sorry to burst your bubble," Alice said, patting my head like I was a little child. I swatted her hand away before moving so that I was kneeling over her.

"What do you mean, I'm not innocent? You started all of this. And, sorry to be the one to tell you this, but 'burst your bubble' hasn't been in for at least ten years," I argued.

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