Here Comes the Sun

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Here Comes the Sun


"So, tell me something that I don't know about you yet." Alice looked over at me as we rode down the street in my truck. She was sitting comfortably in the passenger's seat next to me, bobbing her head to the music that played softly through the speakers.

Last night, Alice had told me some of what she could remember of her past. She said that she didn't really remember her human life, but told me all she could about her vampiric life before I found myself dozing off in her arms. At that point, she told me to go to sleep, which I did reluctantly.

"I've already told you a lot, Bella. I can't possibly think of anything that you'd want to know that I haven't already told you," she looked perplexed as she answered me.

We were on the way to the grocery store to restock my cabinets. I had told Alice that she didn't need to join me, but she insisted anyway.

"Well..." I thought for a moment, "Were you with any other vampires before you met the your family? It sounded like you were alone during most of your wild adventures that you told me about last night." Alice giggled next to me. She had told me about all the crazy things she had gotten into during her early years, most of which involved performing some crazy feat that only someone insane would even attempt.

"Not really. About a year before I met Carlisle, I had found Jasper. We instantly clicked and began to travel together. I told him about the vision I had of our family now, and he seemed rather interested. So we stuck it out together until it was time to meet them. Other than him, though..." she trailed off, thinking over her past. "Nope, not anyone else. Maybe a couple of acquaintances every now and then, but no long term companions other than Jazz." She smiled over at me.

Alice didn't seem very hesitant to talk about her past. She said that most vampires didn't get a chance to talk to anyone about their past other than those in their coven. Humans weren't supposed to know that they existed, so they couldn't go around telling random people. So she was more than willing to dive into her stories for me.

I grinned at her conspiratorially. "Any other lovers in the mix?" I wiggled my eyebrows, showing her that I was just joking. She laughed lightly at me before pushing my face back to the road.

"You're kidding right? I mean, seriously, do you even want to know?" She kept her tone light, but I could tell she was serious. I nodded, chancing a glance at her and seeing that she was staring right back at me. "Alright then. Well, to be completely honest, I have had, quote-unquote, lovers" she made air quotes around the word. "But they weren't anything special." She shrugged nonchalantly.

"Huh," I mumbled out, still curious but not wanting to push it.

Alice sighed. "Bella, really. They weren't anything special. You just have to understand that a vampire's life can be very lonely. Continuing to live while everyone else around you dies out can be very frustrating at times. So we sometimes take what we can while we can. Though, I can say that I have never had any relations with a human as I have with you."

I couldn't help it; I felt proud, ego boost and everything. I sat up a little higher, grin on my face and Alice laughed. "Don't go getting all cocky on me now, Bella." She laughed again, watching me deflate a little while grumbling.

"Kind of hard to be cocky when you don't even have one..." I mumbled out, more to myself than to her.

"Touché," Alice laughed out. "But you can still be overconfident." She raised an eyebrow as I stuck my tongue out at her. "Really, Bella? You're going to go that route?"

I pulled my tongue back in. "What's wrong with being a little childish every now and then?" I asked.

Alice laughed again. I was actually quite proud that I could make her laugh so often. "Nothing, I guess." She shrugged and looked back out to the road. "Oh, we're here!" she bounced up and down in her seat excitedly as I pulled into the parking lot.

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