A New Threat

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A New Threat

I realized that Jasper was just as Alice had described him to me. He was very friendly once you got past his pained expression.

I found out during our free period that Jasper was actually the newest vegetarian vampire, having only started the lifestyle after meeting Alice and seeing how she lived.

"He has it very hard being constantly around humans during school," Alice spoke thoughtfully and she played with my fingers. We had retired to Alice's car while everyone else went to his or her class. Jasper had offered to join us, saying that he wanted to keep us company, but Alice refused, telling him to go ahead to class and that we'd talk later. He didn't put up much of a fight seeing as his next class was US History, apparently his favorite course. "And Edward's almost always around him, making sure that nothing makes him snap. It's very hard on him..." She trailed off, a contemplative expression taking over her features.

"You truly care for him, don't you?" I asked, reaching up to cup her cheek. She leaned her head against my hand with a sigh.

"I do, very much so. He and I are closer than anyone else in our family. Everything's just so much harder for him with his empathy." I nodded understandingly.

A silence fell over us as Alice continued to play with my fingers.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked moments later, nervous for some unknown reason. Alice nodded and looked up at me, giving me her full attention. "I don't mean to pry into everyone's lives, but are Jasper and Edward..." I trailed off, knowing that she'd understand my meaning.

Alice looked frustrated as she spoke. "No. They should be, though." I looked at her curiously, silently asking her to explain. "Edward's just stubborn. He refuses to admit his feelings, repeatedly telling himself that he shouldn't be feeling that way. Jasper can feel it, though. He knows exactly how Edward feels. It's frustrating for him. He wants to be with Edward, for reasons beyond my understanding," she huffed. "But Edward won't give in to his feelings. And Jasper doesn't want to push him away. It's really hard when Edward's almost constantly around him."

"That must be really hard for him. I can't even imagine..."

Alice nodded. "He's tried to explain it to me before. I didn't understand it before, but I do now." She looked up at me, her eyes swimming with emotion. Silence fell again for a few minutes as we just stared at each other before Alice spoke again. "Bella, vampires mate for life. They only have one person that can make them whole. Edward and Jasper are that for each other, even if Edward won't admit it." She paused again, looking as if she wanted to say more. And of course, right in that moment, the bell rang, signaling the end of our free period.

I scrunched up my face in disgust, making Alice laugh.

"And what, may I ask, is that face for?" she asked, still giggling.

"Gym is what that face is for. I hate gym," I grumbled out, knowing full well that I had to go after missing so much of it already.

"Silly Bella, you'll be fine," Alice spoke as she got out of the car. "And besides, it is your last class. Just think about getting through it and going home," she said with a smile and a shrug after I had gotten out of the car to join her.

"But I still have to get through it to get home. Have you not realized how much of a klutz I am?" I moaned out the last question, visualizing all of the pain that was very likely to be inflicted on others and myself by my participation. Alice froze beside me, eyes staring straight ahead of us. Her sudden stop jerked me to a halt along with her.

Alice had explained to me before what happened when she had a vision, but it still scared me to see her freeze up. I didn't like it, but I remained quiet beside her, letting her focus. After a few moments, she shook her head as if shaking away a memory. She began walking again, worry etched on her face, and pulled me along with her gently.

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