I Now Pronounce You Husband And Wife

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Two hours. Rocky left his office two hours ago. Of course he left me all alone and despite having the opportunity to dig up some dirt or find something to use against him in case I'd ever need to protect myself...I don't. I just sit on the sofa by the corner of his office staring blankly against the window.

I cannot believe I signed those documents. The image of my parents' come into view and although I rarely see them, I do truely love them. I care too much to let them lose everything.

My mind snaps out of my thoughts the second the door swings open. I watch as Rocky walks in.

I blink at how at ease he seems. "Trusted me enough to leave me alone in your office? I could have destroyed the contract."

He smiles in my direction. "You're my wife now. It'd be wrong if I didn't trust you," he replies.

My mind spins. That doesn't sound like him whatsoever. I wonder what he's playing at.

His hands reach for his pocket and he pulls out a set of keys. As he makes his way to me, his finger laces with mine while he drops the key in my hand, his other hand covering mine. "Your own set of keys to my place."

The gesture is nice and it feels honest but somehow I cannot comprehend why he'd do this.

"What are you playing at?" I ask.

"Mrs Hamilton, I never play. I simply do," he replies before placing a kiss on my cheek.

I take a step back but that only instructs him to take another step in my direction. "Why are you backing away?"

I blink but I don't answer him.

"What would people think?" He says. "You are my wife after all."

When he takes another step, I am forced to not move. I signed the contract. I'd have to take this seriously.

My throat tightens when Rocky takes another step in my direction. His finger brushes up my arm and he leans against me, his lips close to my ear. "You look hot when you're nervous."

I snap my head in his direction, our noses bashing against each other. My hand rushes to my face from the impact but Rocky simply pulls his head back a little. "I am not nervous," I tell him.

He smiles. "Good," he says. "I like a strong, confident woman."

I watch him. He's contradicting himself. Nervous is hot but somehow he also likes a strong, confident woman.

I don't question him, nor do I say anything. If I did, he'd somehow find a way to use it against me.

"Can I go?" I ask.

Rocky smirks. "Is there somewhere you need to be?"

I frown. "Away from you would be a start."

He laughs, actually laughs at me. "That's one way of making this marriage work. But hey, if you have to go then don't let me stop you," Rocky says. "But be at my place tonight."

"Fake marriage," I tell him. "Only six months, remember?"

He nods. "Very much so. But why does it have to be fake just because it's only for six months."

I shake my head. "What do you want?" I ask him. "Do you want me to have feelings for you?"

Rocky smirks. I don't like it but it does look good on him. "Feelings are a good way to start the marriage. Generally people look for love though."

I shake my head. "Why the contract? What are you after?"

He walks behind me, his hands wrapping around my waist as he pulls me into an embrace from behind. "My contract, my rules."

The Six Month ContractTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang