New Morning, New Rules

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A crippling pain travelling down my side forces me awake. I blink several times to take in my surroundings. Rocky's arm is under my head and my arm is around his middle.

I lift my head to watch him — having never seen him this peaceful. There's a sense of calm in the air, the kind that keeps me collected in this moment.

The pain makes me twist a little in my position and fear fills me as perhaps I might wake Rocky up. I watch him for a second but he's still asleep.

I look down but black silk sheets cover our naked bodies. I know I'm in pain but I cannot see anything.

I pull my hand free and lift myself away from his chest. Rocky stirs and his arms wrap protectively around me.

"Don't," He says. "I like you right here in my arms."

He kisses my cheek and then freezes.

"What's wrong?" I say.

He shakes his head and lifts his hand out from under the sheets.

There is blood.

He pushes the sheets away and watches my naked body, he's eyes stopping by the side of my stomach where my wound is. I'm bleeding. My wound is bleeding. The gauze tape is stained red and there is blood on his hands.

Rocky immediately gets out of bed. I try not to stare but I do, he's naked.

He grabs his clothes off the floor and puts it on. "Don't move," he says kissing my forehead. "I'll get a doctor."

I shake my head. "I'm fine, and please don't call the doctor. I'm naked," I point out.

Rocky pauses mid-step, turns around and does another take. His eyes slowing scan my body from the bottom to the top as if needing an excuse to see me naked.

Grabbing my clothes off the floor, he hands them to me. "Put them on and then I'll call the doctor."

I frown. This wasn't how it was supposed to go.

I point to the en-suite and his eyes travel the length of my arm and then hand, stopping at the bathroom door. "I just need a shower."

"That won't be a good idea," he says.

"It will," I say trying to sound convincing. "I just need to wash the blood off."

Rocky shakes his head. "You're bleeding though."

"No," I say, not even sure if I'm telling the truth. "Was bleeding, but not anymore."

Rocky comes closer and examines my wound. "I really should get the doctor."

My hand wraps around his wrist to stop him. "Please," I say. "I just need a shower."

I quickly wrap the silk sheet around my body. I'm well aware how naked I am and suddenly feel uncomfortable. It's ridiculous, I know. This guy is my husband but I still feel like I need to cover up.

Rocky nods. "Okay," He says rubbing the back of his neck. "But be quick, and then I'll call the doctor."

He helps me out of the bed because the pain is a little stronger than I thought, forcing me the bend at the waist and hold my side as he guides me to the en-suite bathroom.

He turns the tap in the shower, sticks his hand to feel the hot water and then nods. "Don't lock the door," he says. "And call me if you feel anything is wrong. I'll just be outside the door."

Watching him leave, I let the silk sheets fall to the ground. I pull the door to the shower open and step inside. I stay away from the stream of the water as I peel the tape holding the gauze fabric against my skin.

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