Happy Anniversary

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Waking up in the morning, Rocky is not in the bed beside me. I'm naked, and a lot happened last night but why is he not in bed.

My clothes are still very much outside the door where Rocky had undressed me forcing me to grab his t-shirt and slip it on. I do up the buttons, quickly grab underwear and rush downstairs.

The living room is quiet and our butler is no where to be seen. The sound coming from the kitchen alerts me that perhaps the butler is making breakfast but surprise takes over when I notice Rocky instead.

I watch him. He has pancakes stacked on one plate and French toast on the other.

"Please tell me you made that," I joke.

Rocky's head snaps up in my direction. "Very much so."

I laugh before slapping a hand over my mouth. "You know how to cook?"

Rocky seems amused. "Yes, why does that seem so shocking to you?"

I step forward. "Well I didn't think you knew anything else other than business."

Rocky lifts his eyebrow as he gives me a questioning look. "Are you saying that I know nothing?"

I shake my head. Oh God no. "I didn't mean it like that, I just meant that things like cooking would not be your Forte but clearly I..."

Before I can finish the sentence, Rocky has my hand in his and pulls my body to slam against his.

"You look gorgeous when you insult me," he says brushing his thumb against my cheeks.

I shake my head. "No, really. I didn't mean it like that."

Rocky kisses my cheek. "You're blushing now."

My hands immediately go to my cheeks but Rocky moves them away.

"If your husband makes you blush then it's perfectly fine," he whispers in my ear.

I move my head back, away from his lips. "I'm not blushing."

"Whatever you say," he tells me as he kisses my cheek and turns to pay attention to the pancake.

I smile. "It's burning."

Rocky smiles back. "I can tell," he says as he faces me again before throwing the burnt pancake away. "You shouldn't distract me."

"Oh," I say hopping onto the bench. "So I distract you now?"

"At least I can admit it."

"Well, fine then. You made me blush. Happy?" I tell him.

He smirks. "Very much so."

My eyes go wide. He tricked me. I cannot believe he made me admit it.

"By the way, I've made pancakes before."

"Really?" I question him. "Do tell."

"When you met my family for the first time," Rocky replies.

My mind goes back to that morning. He had the pancakes ready for me as he told me that his parents had thrown a party for us.

I point at the pancakes. "Is this bribery for something?"

Rocky laughs. "Yes, it totally is."

He stops in front of me, both of his hands rest on my thighs before travelling up my hips. I try to keep still but the touch effects me.

"What is it?" I say nervously.

"It's my parents' anniversary today."

"What!" I say as my mouth drops open. "And you're telling me this now. Why didn't you tell me ages ago."

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