How to Fall in Love (30)

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Copyright © 2014 by roastedpiglet (of Wattpad)

     All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author. 

Piggy's Note:

Hey, loves! How've you been? ^_^

It's been sooo long (jkjk, it's been like, a week). Thank you for reading 29 chapters of HTFIL so far! You're rad, rad, rad. I don't care what Word says about putting an "and" before the last rad. You guys are effin rad, rad, rad.

This chap. is dedicated to @catladyswift bc she's been reading HTFIL for sooo long now, and during those days when I felt like I wasn't good enough, y'know, that typical teenager "Am I good enough for the world?" shenanigan bang bang, she was there to tell me that yes, you are good enough. So, thank you!

(I have a list of dedications but I swapped things a bit, so if I promised you a certain number and it turns out it wasn't dedicated to you, that's bc I either put you up first or put you down a few numbers. Bam.)

Special shout-out to Bee (@QueenMaleficent) for her extraordinary #Milas bandwagonning. Thanks!

Another special shout-out to Queen Elsa (@chronologically) whose stories I love and whom I really adore, for reading HTFIL in just a span of 1-2 days. Thanks!

Song to the side is "Use Somebody," by Matt Beilis. It's a cover, but it's a wondrous cover. His piano-playing skills are fuckin amazing. Also to the side Dave Franco conspires with the aforementioned singer via a lovely gif of himself, cast as Miles Royal. Which brings me to—

#Milas, represent! ;)

Thank you so much for reading! ^_^

See you again soon?

Cookies x muffins x cupcakes


P.S. I just changed Little Italy Penthouse => Little Italy Townhouse. I'm not done editing all the chapters, so the change will only be effective starting this chapter. :) Also, if you see La Italy, that's a fricking annoying typo. It's supposed to be Little Italy. Thank you!


                                             c h a p t e r  t h i r t y

                           [  h o w  t o  s u r v i v e  a  c a r  c r a s h  ]

                                                            She's dumb.

                       But put down your pitchforks and throw away your matches (actually, no. They might reach the hands of the devil. Just keep it with you)—for I'm not yet finished.

                       Have you done what I said? Good.

                       Because back to what I was saying—technically, she's dumb. That's irrevocable.

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