Chapter 5 - Harper

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It's Friday and I've been dreading this day. I'm on release from school so that I can help my staff prepare the menu for Xaviers company. I'm not really worried about how the food will turn out because I've handpicked every dish for this ball to make sure that it goes with the theme that I've chosen, which is A Night to Remember.

What has me worried is Xavier's reaction when he finds out its my company that's planning and catering for his company ball. It was easier doing it for Mark because I knew his tastes and have a great relationship with him. Xavier on the other hand, has a habit of making his hatred towards me known, especially when we're surrounded by people.

My staff is starting to pick up on my mood and I plaster on a fake smile but it doesn't seem to be working. It's like I'm back at Mary Jo's cooking my first pasta dish with all the mistakes I seem to be making. I decide to just prepare all the meats and help with the vegetables instead of the actual cooking part. I then head over to where the dessert chef is and start making different pastries and decorating cupcakes.

Two years ago, when I graduated from university I received a letter in the mail.It was from Mary Jo's lawyer stating that she'd left her home and a sizeable amount of money for me. Two months after that I invested that money into making my own little catering company which I named Mary Jo's Catering, which only seemed fitting because it was her money that built this company. We started off doing small birthdays here and there and one day Mark hired us to cater for one of his work functions and the next thing I know, we have bigger clients who happen to be corporate giants in Auckland. We got more popular and I was able to expand my staff from 6 to 40 people, we even have a small bakery right next to our headquarters called Mary Jo's Treats and not only cater for events but we plan and decorate venues too. It's been a great success and I've saved enough money to completely rebuild Mary Jo's old home where we've shared many fond memories in, which is how I ended up staying in Mark and Suzanne's home in the first place while the house gets renovated.

An hour later Kelly, my secretary walks over with a clipboard in her hand and starts listing off the menu that's ready and announces that Mr Woods is about to arrive. No one knows that our most esteemed client is practically my house mate and I almost ask Kelly to conduct the food tasting with Xavier but I tamp down my nervousness and decide to grab life by the balls and act as professional as I can. What really frightens me is that he's promised to pay us three times as much as we usually charge and I promised my staff that all the extra money will be split between all of them. I'm scared that once Xavier finds out it's my company he'll call it off and hire someone else and I'll have 40 very pissed off workers and I really don't like letting anyone down.

We're a family over here at Mary Jo's and like me, they've all come from not so good backgrounds. That's what really pushed me to hire them. Kelly was only 16 and pregnant when I met her sitting at a bus stop crying hysterically, afraid to go home and tell her parents about the baby. She was there to catch a bus and take off to God knows where. I managed to calm her down and bought her over to Mary Jo's and saw that she too loved cooking and I hired her on the spot. She worked the hardest even at 9 months pregnant and went into labour after we'd thrown the first ball at Woods Finance Inc. Now her son Tristan is nearing two years old and I've enjoyed watching the little boy grow. At 19 years old she runs Mary Jo's while I embark on my other passion which is teaching. I help out at weekend functions, come up with new recipes, hire new staff and Kelly takes care of the rest. This company is her baby as much as it is mine.

I hear the front door open and in walks Xavier. He's greeted by one of our serving staff Damien who leads him towards me. I know immediately when Xavier notices me because he stops ten feet away from me and a scowl replaces the smile on his face. Damien finally reaches me not knowing that our guest has stopped following him. It's not until Xavier asks harshly what I'm doing there that Damien finally stops his rambling and whips his head back at Xavier before he turns back to me with a questioning look. I shake my head at him and he immediately scurries off.

"Good afternoon Mr Woods, welcome to Mary Jo's catering. It's good to have you here and I can't wait to have you try out what we have to offer for your company ball," I say professionally whilst keeping my eyes on his chin, too scared to look into the fury that I know is lurking in his own eyes.

"I mean what the hell are you doing here Harper? I thought you were sick when you said you didn't need me to drop you off at work today," Xavier responds, completely ignoring everything that I've just said.

I can feel all my staffs eyes on me and begin to shift in my spot.

"I wasn't sick. I got the day off today so I could come here and help my staff prepare the food tasting for you. I actually own Mary Jo's Catering," I mumble feebly.

A few seconds pass by.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Xavier groans harshly running his hand down his face. "I should have know why dad was adamant on hiring this place to organise the ball. It's because you got him to buy this place for you and you've practically manipulated him into keeping your company afloat. How vile of a human being are you?" He says angrily.

I'm embarrassed at this point. How could he make such accusations like that, and in front of half of my workers. This is worse than I'd imagined. I'm about to reply when Kelly cuts in.

"Hey big shot, who do you think you are coming in here and talking to our boss like that. For your information your father didn't buy this company, Harper bought it with her own money and worked hard to get to where she is today. I admit your father did help us garner high profile clients but she didn't manipulate them into hiring us. We make amazing food, offer an excellent service and have one of the best decorators here, so don't you dare come in and insult our boss and our company like that. If you think you can talk to Harper like that again, you can walk right out of here with that stick you have shoved right up your ass," Kelly admonishes, coming straight to my defence.

I don't know whether to be proud of her or mortified that she's just spoken to Xavier like that but I decide to go for the former. I look Xavier dead in the eyes to see what he'll say but he looks shocked for some reason and I don't think it has anything to do with what Kelly's just said. This is the first time that I've ever looked him in the eyes and after a while I look away.

"Well lets get on with it then," Xavier mumbles, without so much of an apology and follows after me.

I take Xavier to the tables filled with mountains of food, drinks and desserts. Xavier tries them all and doesn't utter a single word as I list off everything he tries. Kelly follows after me and I know she has a mountain of questions to fire at me but I continue with the food tasting.

When we finally get to the last dessert dish, Xavier turns towards me for the first time in the last half hour and nods his head at me.

"Everything was perfect and I know my employees and guests will love it. Is that all?" He asks. "I've got meetings that I need to get to."

"Yes, thank you for coming in Mr Woods," I reply politely holding my hand out for him to shake.

Xavier looks down at my outstretched hand and ignores it.

"Have a good day and my secretary will send you a cheque this afternoon. Goodbye," he replies sternly, pivots and is out the door in the next 30 seconds.

"What an asshole," Kelly mutters as she pops a chocolate brownie into her mouth.

My hand drops to my side and I sigh my relief. I'm so glad we still have this gig, I don't know what I would have done if he'd turned us down. Now I know I have to explain to Kelly what that was all about but at the moment I'm just so glad to have someone, who at such a young age could stand up for me. I'm grateful to  have stumbled upon her in the bus stop that day. I turn around and give her a fierce hug and mumble that I'll fill her in later.

I have a few hours before I have to go home and face Xavier again. Lucky me I mumble to myself and roll my eyes.

Better off without himजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें