Chapter 30 -Xavier

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I sat and watched as Harper and her physiotherapist did their thing. Harper had to learn how to walk again because she'd been holed up in bed for too long that they had become weak. So everyday for the past 3 days since she'd woken up she would have a 2 hour session with the physiotherapist. The first day was a little hard for her but today she was doing a whole lot better. She hated having to be carted around in a wheelchair but I was following doctors orders, much to her displeasure. At that moment Alex walked in carrying some subs and took a seat next me. He handed me a bag and we both tucked into our meal as we watched Harper and her physiotherapist. I had a sneaky suspicion that Alex had a thing for the lady. As soon as he met her, Carmella, you could tell there was this instant attraction and she seemed to return it. Alex, for some reason tried to play it off as nothing but you could tell by the way his eyes always followed her every move and held onto her every word that he was enamoured by the young physiotherapist.

I thought back to when Alex had flown in when I called him about Harpers accident. The guy was so distraught when he saw all the tubes and machines that were hooked into Harper he literally broke down. I never thought I'd ever see a man of his caliber break down, but the pain and love etched onto his face when he saw Harper was raw. That was the only time I left the room was when him and his parents arrived and it was hard for me to give them space. He stayed for two weeks before he had to return to training camp. It killed him having to leave her the first time but he returned every other weekend for a few days before flying back. I was happy he happened to be in the country when Harper finally woke up and glad that he could stay longer this time around.

"She's getting better isn't she?" Alex mumbled around a bite, his eyes trained on Carmella.

"Yes she is. She's made a tonne of improvement since the first day, but I think it was more with Harp getting used to how much the baby has grown." While Harper was in a coma it's like our little one wouldn't stop growing. She went from having a slight bump to a full blown pregnant belly. I marvelled at that, because it showed that our baby was growing just fine. To think in a little over two months time we'll be welcoming our little one into the world. Harper couldn't wait to start buying things for the baby and so was I. We ultimately decided not to find out the sex of our baby. "Doctor says she'll be ready to be discharged after this session. I can't wait to finally be able to sleep in my own bed and Harper in my arms."

Alex just rolled his eyes before focusing his attention back on Harper and Carmella. Alex and I sat and chatted as the session continued before Harper came bounding towards me with the biggest smile on her face.

"I get to go home," she shrieked jumping up and down before falling into my lap.

I kissed the top of her head and held her tightly, "I'm glad sweetheart. We'll just go fill out the documents the doctor told us to earlier and we'll be on our way," I said as I placed my hand where our baby lay and rubbed up and down. A gesture that I happened to love.

"Can we go sign those forms now. I want to go home and see how the house turned out?" Harper said with excitement laced in her voice.

While she was in a coma, the builders finished renovating the house and I had Macy move all her things from her apartment over. I also called in a few people to have the place set up for when she woke up. I just hoped to God that she would love it once she sees it. I also hired an interior decorator to set up a surprise for Harper. But thinking about it now, maybe I should have waited.

We made our way to reception where Harper filled out all her discharge papers before making our way out into the parking lot. I had Harper and Alex wait at the drop off and pick up zone while I went and bought the car around.


When we arrived home I walked around the front of the car and helped Harper out while Alex grabbed our bags from the trunk. Harper was giddy as she saw how immaculate the lawn was, the fresh new look of paint on the house and the pebbled walkway to the door that she just about hightailed it for the door to check out the inside.

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