Chapter 23 - Harper

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The ride to Woods Finance Inc was really awkward, especially having to sit between both Xavier and Nate. Nate was being his true self, joking here and there and being the charmer that he is. Xavier on the other hand was pressed up right against my side and sat in silence while Macy and Brian sat opposite us in their own little world. We drank champagne and chatted amongst ourselves when we pulled up to the venue. It truly felt like we were at a red carpet event with the amount of press outside snapping photos and a red carpet had already been rolled out. It made me feel so proud of my team for having the red carpet rolled out and metal partitioners up to keep the press out of the guests way. The driver came around to Xavier's side and as soon as the door opened the press went crazy calling out Xavier's name and snapping photos of him. I sat stock still not knowing how to react with all these people snapping photos.

"Don't worry Harp, this will only take about a minute or two but with you looking all sexy in that dress it might take twice as long," Nate said as he wiggled his eyebrows making me laugh. "Besides, if they become too much I'll just kick their asses." I couldn't help but laugh even louder.

I took a deep breath and set one foot out on the pavement when a hand reached out and grasped mine pulling me out from the vehicle. The lights that went off were blinding and thinking that it was the driver who helped me out of the car I turned to say thank you when it turned out to be Xavier. He looked down at me like he was pleading with me, but I didn't know what the look meant. His hand then wrapped around my waist and he had the biggest smile on his face which wiped out immediately when Nate got of the limo and pulled me to his side. I looked back at Xavier who's eyes were trained on the ground and the press went crazy asking him questions about taking over his family company and the many clients he's amassed in such a short time since he's taken over.

I turned back to Nate who smirked at me before we stopped and posed for a few photos and made our way inside. The venue looked breathtaking and I couldn't be more happier with how well Kelly and my team set everything up. I saw several guests who upon entry gawked at how stunning the place looked, and I couldn't blame them because this was magnificent. We were led to a table at the front of the stage and were served drinks before dinner was announced. As the night progressed we ate, drank champagne, and chatted to various guests. The dance floor was then cleared and couples all took to dancing.

"It's time to show you off Harp," Nate whispered in my ear before he dragged me off to the dance floor. We danced song after song just jumping around the dance floor crazily when we amassed a circle of people who all danced together. I was laughing so hard at how awkward Nate looked while trying to dance that I literally ran out of breath. I could also see a group of women who were eying out Nate, so I thought I'd let them have a go with him.

"I'm going to have a little rest and grab some water. You really tired me out," I said winking at Nate who only smirked. "You also have a group of admirers vying for your attention," I said pointing out a few women.

"There's only one girl I've got my eye on tonight and she's in the red dress," he said in his deep baritone voice, giving me a hooded look.

I couldn't help but laugh and smack him on the arm, "Oh my god Nathaniel, is that how you pick up these women, because that was just terrible." We both ended up laughing as Nate walked me over to our table, which was only occupied by Xavier.

"I might have to up my game, if that's the reaction I'm going to get," he tried to say in a serious tone, but ruined it with the tiny smile he was trying to hold back.

"Don't worry, I'm sure there are plenty of girls who'd fall over you and that handsome face of yours."

"Ha ha, sit down and get some rest. What would you like to drink, some water or champagne?" He asked as I took a seat next to Xavier who sat quietly, pretending to look at his phone but it was clearly obvious that he was listening in on mine and Nate's conversation.

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