Chapter 9 - Harper

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Lex has been here for a day and already he's made me the happiest girl on the planet. We stay home, catchup , Netflix and chill but the best part is I get to try out all my new recipes on him. I don't think anyone loves my cooking as much as Lex does and he has the biggest appetite.

When we were still at university and Lex reappeared in my life he became my guinea pig, always showing a willingness to eat my weird food concoctions and never complained and that time we spent together allowed us to reconnect. When Macy and Brian got together it was always the four of us but the relationship between me and Lex has always been stronger than Macy or Brian's relationship with him. Macy always used to say that she thought that Lex and I would end up together but I saw him as a brother and I think he saw me as his kid sister which is fine with me. My stupid heart always belonged to Xavier, even if he didn't want it.

We were sitting in the lounge watching Suicide squad and arguing over who was the more crazier one between Joker and Harley Quinn. I voted for the Joker of course because he's always been one of my all time favourite super villains but Lex was adamant that Harley was crazier just because she was 'sex on a stick' - Lex's words not mine - which obviously meant that she were the crazier one.

Lex and I were sitting on the love seat in front of the tv with Lex sitting in the middle and me with my back against the armrest and my feet perched on Lex's lap while he rubbed his hand up and down my feet soothingly, sharing a bowl of M&Ms, Malteser's and popcorn, when Xavier walked into the living room.

It felt odd having him around because most weekends he was always out doing god knows what and I wouldn't see him till the weekday when he's getting ready for work.

"What are you guys watching?" He asked and took a seat in the leather armchair by me.

"This weirdos favourite movie Suicide Squad, so she can fawn all over Jared Leto playing the Joker," Lex said in a teasing manner as he ruffled my hair and I smacked his hand away.

"Nice, this is one of my favourite films too. Two words: Harley Quinn," Xavier said dreamily. "Seriously, that girl looks so hot in her booty shorts even with her makeup smeared all over her face."

"That's just what I was saying to my little Harp over here but I think she's jealous that I like Harley more than her," Lex joked.

"Mmm hmm, whatever helps you sleep at night," I said, rolling my eyes and focusing on the movie while Xavier and Lex talked about his fights, and other people in the industry. I got bored immediately and tuned out their conversation.

I didn't know that I'd fallen asleep until I felt someone lifting me up. I opened my eyes groggily and saw that it was just Lex carrying me bridal style to what I assume was my bedroom.

"You ruined my wonderful dream about me and Jared Leto running off together. Thanks a lot."

"No problem, I was wondering why you were moaning so much in your sleep," Lex said with a mischievous grin on his face, looking down at me while I looked up at him mortified that I'd been moaning god knows what in my sleep.

"You're kidding right!" I exclaimed, my face heating up to a hundred degrees as Lex opened my bedroom door and deposited me on my bed, while he walked to the door, closed it and got into bed next to me.

"Oh Jared! Yes Jared! Marry me Jared!" Lex said in a high pitched voice, causing me to slap him upside the head to which he continued to laugh hysterically.

"I was just kidding Harp," Lex continued laughing and rubbing the spot where I'd hit him. "If anything, you were doing more snoring than moaning. For a second there I thought you were a bear and not some little twig."

I was at least fifty shades of red at this point.

"I so do not snore!"

"You so do, and I have a video to prove it," Lex said pulling out his phone from his pocket and showing me a video.

I snatched the phone off him and looked at the video he handed me and saw that it was a video of him drawing penises on my face and laughing under his breath, while another voice, who I'm guessing is Xavier laughed with him.

I threw the phone on the floor knowing that there were at least four penises on my face and started choking and slapping him, which only made him laugh harder and his laughter became so contagious that I even started laughing.

When we both caught I breaths I turned to him and said, "You know I'm going to get you back fro this right? And you better pray that this comes off or else I'm going to sucker punch you so hard you won't be able to father children."

Lex looked scared, but he always had a snarky response.

"I'm not the UFC world heavyweight champion for nothing, so I'm sure I can handle your efforts at trying to turn me into a eunuch." He looked at his watch and turned to me saying, "Get your cute little butt in the shower and get dressed so we can meet up with Mace and Brian for dinner, you're always starving me."

"Oh crap, I almost forgot about that," I mumbled getting straight out of bed and running towards my ensuite, closing the door behind me and stripping. "Get your ass in the shower so we won't be late. You know how much Macy hates tardiness!" I yelled out to Lex.

I heard him mumble a response before I heard my bedroom door open and close behind him indicating that he'd left.
I decided to put a little effort into my outfit today, which consisted of an above the knee one shouldered dark purple wrap dress, with my hair down in loose curls, black pumps to give me a bit of height and my favourite amethyst drop earrings that Lex bought me for my twenty first birthday two years ago. I wasn't really great with makeup so I just had on some foundation, mascara and red matte lipstick. I grabbed my black clutch, phone and checked myself out in the mirror one more time.

"That's as good as it's gonna get," I mumbled to myself.

When I walked out of my bedroom and made my way to the living room where I could hear Lex and Xavier talking, I clutched my bag in my hand tighter. For some reason I felt giddy and anxious all at once. As soon as I made it to the entryway of the living room Lex noticed me immediately and let out a whistle of appreciation. Xavier turned around and his eyes bulged out for a second, and I stupidly blushed when he did that. He looked like he was about to say something but Lex beat him to it.

"Looking good Harp. Now I've got to make sure that all the men at the restaurant tonight keep their eyes off you."

He walked over to me and gave me a little kiss on the side of my head before he led me out to the driveway.

"You have nothing to worry about Lex, you won't be fighting anyone for my honour anytime soon," I said in a soft voice, for only his ears.

He stopped and turned to me with a look of frustration and determination in his eyes, holding my face in his large hands, "Harp, you're the most beautiful girl both inside and out. Any man will be lucky to have you, so stop with the negativity for once and just enjoy yourself tonight. Okay."


I heard a little cough behind me, and completely forgot that Xavier was there and heard Lex and I's exchange. I became embarrassed all over again, and looked down while Lex continued to walk us out.

We got to the car and Lex opened the back foot for and let me in before closing it and getting into the passenger seat. Xavier got into the drivers seat and we were off. Like a few days ago, I could literally feel Xavier's eyes on me, which made me so nervous because I just knew he had some smart remark to say about me, so I avoided making eye contact with him and listened to him and Lex drone on and on about girls, cars and of course mixed martial arts.

I silently prayed that Xavier wouldn't say or do anything rash to embarrass me in front of Macy and Lex tonight.

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