The Love Of Twitter(Liam Payne Fanfic)

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I wake up to Lovebug by the Jonas Brothers. Another day to try to get One Direction to follow me on Twitter. I get up, get changed into whatever is the closest. That being black jeans and a black band t-shirt, that band being the one and only, One Direction.

Let's say I am in love with One Direction, Little Mix, The Hunger Games, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Joey Graceffa, YouTube, Twitter, etc.

I walked into the bathroom brush my teeth, comb my hair. Same old, same old.

I walked over to my computer and it was still on from my midnight binging of some TV show. What was it again? I can't even remember. I went on Twitter, YouTube, and Wattpad. I went to my One Direction playlist on YouTube. It started playing 'Another World', did someone say throwback?

I clicked on the Twitter tab and scrolled through my mentions.


@/Perries_Girls Would you like to come and meet us?

I looked the tweet again and realized that it was a fake account.


@/Perries_Girls Hey beautiful...

Another fake account.


@/Perries_Girls I agree with you. Xx

Another fake a-...wait, that's actually Liam Payne? He replied to my tweet and I quickly looked at my interactions. He had tweeted and followed me?

I clicked onto my profile to change 0/5 to 1/5 and also saw I had a new direct message.

@/Perries_Girls You seem really nice, would love to talk to you sometime :)

I officially was screaming my heart out at this point. I texted my older sister, Tessa.

Sent: 9:34am
I told you one day it would happen!!

Almost instantly, I got a new text from her.

Received: 9:34am
Harry or Louis?

Sent: 9:35am
Excuse you, there's more than just two of them. And it's Liam!

Received: 9:35am
I won't believe it until I see it. I'll be there in a minute.

I put my phone down on my table, looked back at Liam's direct message.

@/Real_Liam_Payne Hi. Um, I really don't know what to say cause I love you so much. But yeah, how are you?

As I hit send, Tessa walked in the room. "Let me see."

I went onto his profile and showed her the follow.

"Tell him to follow me, I only have a hundred followers"

"Seriously? That's the first thing you have to say? Using him much?"

"But I'm your sister!" she shouted.

She sat down on the chair next to me and was still waiting for that follow, typical.

"Dude, he answered back."

"What did he say?"

@/Perries_Girls I'm doing fine, how about you babe? Xx

I looked at Tessa and her mouth was wide open. "Told you"

@/Real_Liam_Payne I can't believe I'm actually asking you this, but my sister has asked for a follow from you. Can you believe that?

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