Chapter 4

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*Violet's POV*

"And that's when I seem to f*ck up." (A/N The song is Nobody's Perfect by Jessie J) Streamed through my iPhone. Who was calling me so early and waking me up?

Unknown number calling...

I picked it up anyway.

"Hello?" I said

"Hello, is this Violet?"

"Yes, may I ask who's speaking?"

"Sorry, it's Liam"

"How did you get my number?"

"I asked your sister"

"Why are you calling so early then?"

"Vi, it's 2 in the afternoon"

I looked at the time on my phone and it was 2 in the afternoon.

"Sorry, I don't even remember what happened, I remember being really cold, and then I was brought up to my room"

"Okay, well I'll talk to you later"

"Okay, bye Liam"

"Bye, Vi"

I hung up our call. I first put his number in my contact list. Then I wrapped my self up in my blankets, and grabbed my phone.

I walked slowly down the stairs. I saw Tessa and Landon both sitting on the couch watching Bones. I think.

"And she lives!" Landon said looking up at me.

"I'm cold" I mumbled

Tessa came over to me and brought me over to the couch, Landon brought me over another bowl of chicken noodle soup.

I sat there, and I wanted to get on twitter.

"Tess, I wanna go on twitter!" I whined to her.

"You have your phone"

"Yea, but that's different!"

"Hold on, I'll get the iPad."

Let's just say before my parents passed they spoiled the three of us. We all got matching, iMacs and iPhones and we got an iPad.

I layed my head down, and fell asleep before Tessa could come back.

*Liam's POV*

I sat in the living room of our flat. I couldn't stop thinking about You-Know-Who (A/N Not Voldemort)

I needed to talk to Violet, I called her back. No answer, I left a voicemail.

"Hey, Vi. It's Liam, just wanted to talk to you, um, yeah. So call me back"

I hung up and looked at the time 3:30pm.

violet, Violet, ViOleT, vIoLeT, VIOLET, VIOLET ROSANNE NETTING!!! She's on my mind all of the time.

I walk up into my room and grab the laptop from where I left it before.

@Real_Liam_Payne: Hey guys, should I sleep or watch a movie?

I looked at all of the replys and most were for watch a movie, since it's still early in the day.

Real_Liam_Payne: Thanks guys, just a reminder that your the best fans in the world. Xxx

I logged off twitter.

I got up from the desk and walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, boy do I need a shower.

I showered real quick, and I dried my hair and brushed it out. I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked into my room and over to my bag.

I pulled out a BRIT jumper, pair of pants,and some boxers. I put them on quickly, and put on random shoes.

The Love Of Twitter (Liam Payne Fanfic) *SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now