1.1 Bitch in A Business World

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Piper felt a force pulling her and the next second she was already in an overly pink room.

What the actual f*ck. Why is this room so pink, it is making my eyes bleed. And all these unicorn plushies.

[What are you saying? Pink is the best!]

Maybe for you, but not for me. Well anyway, what situation are we in now?

[Oh, I forgot to tell you. You will take over people's bodies since your body is, you know, dead

You can OOC (Out of Character) but it's not my fault if the people start to suspect something]

Yeah, don't wanna be accused as an evil spirit and have priest come to exorcise me. But I guess I am an evil spirit? I mean, I took over a person's  body

[Yeah, you kind of are. If priests come and exorcise you, you will die and be sent to another world. You will also lose points, so note that]

Ok. What's the task?

[Your body's original soul was named Piper Green. A lady born into a rich family

She was very beautiful but she hit her head when she was small which made her think and act like a 6 year old.

She was friends with the Male Lead since childhood. They were engaged and he loved her even though she was stupid.

But then came the Female Lead. She wanted the Male Lead because of his handsomeness and his power.

She framed Piper in different ways and made Male Lead hate her. Then Piper commited suicide after being betrayed by everyone she knew

Your task: Make Piper live a good god d*mn life.]

Tch, tch. I can already see how stupid these people are. Piper was stupid how the hell could she scheme and plot like a fox? Everybody stuupiid.

I will make her live such a good life that she wished she was dead. Of course I will also become the ultimate bitch.

Piper stood up from the pink bed and went to the pink desk in front of the window.

Piper Green's room was very big since she was born in a rich family. Her family had a very successful company.

PINK didn't joke when she said that Piper Green was beautiful.

Piper Green wasn't the sexy beautiful type, she was more of a cute beautiful type. She had big, blue eyes and blond, long hair.

Doesn't really fit the image of a bjtch but it will have to do.

She looked at the clock and it was about 20.15.

What should I do? To live a good life you need... money.

Piper loved money. To her money was everything. If you were rich you could go to the concert of your favorite idol. If you were rich you could buy how much chocolate you wanted. If you were rich you didn't have to work.

But how do I make money? Steal? Or work?

To Piper the steal option sounded a lot better than work but she decided to work

If I steal I"ll have to move. If I work I can do it from home.

Piper was not only a money grubber, she was also lazy.

Piper sat down on the pink chair and opened the pink laptop.

Why so much pink?!?!

What can I do to make money? Should I make a company since this is a business world? Yeah, let's do that.

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