1.11 Bitch in a Business World

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Piper was sleeping happily until she heard someone ringing the doorbell

"What now?!" She was very annoyed just like everyone else who was newly awoken.

Piper put on some clothes and sleepily made her way to the door. She opened it and saw Lawrence who was smiling brightly.

"Hi!" Lawrence walked in and took off his shoes and jacket.

"Why are you here again?" Piper asked

"You said I could hang out with you"

"Oh..." Piper remembered what she said and regretted her life decisions once again.

Why? Was I drunk or something?

"Are you hungry?" Lawrence asked

"Yes" Piper was very hungry. She hadn't eaten for a few hours and it was time for dinner.

"Good" Lawrence went to the kitchen with a bag in his hand, "I'll cook" He said, bringing out a knife

Piper watched with curiosity. She never thought that this rich man would be able to cook. She wasn't very hopeful though. It could taste really bad

Lawrence chopped and hacked vegetables and cooked rice. He also cooked some meat and then he put it all together. Piper licked her lips from the aroma

"Here you go. Some fried rice with beef and vegetables" Lawrence put the plate on the table and gave Piper a spoon.

"Thanks for the food" Piper dug in and stuffed her face. She almost died from the tastiness. Lawrence laughed happily and was very glad that he took cooking classes during high school.

"That was the most delicious meal I've ever eaten" Piper was so glad that she forgot her Piper Green acting, "You know what? I've decided to be friends with you. Come over anytime and cook for me" She was so happy that she forgot all the grievances between her and Lawrence

"Yes, Pipes" Lawrence took the plate and started to dish

He really is not that bad. He is handsome and can cook.

Piper stared at him while evaluating him in her head.

[Don't tell me you're in loveee?]

Pfft! PINK you're spouting more nonsense everyday. I just think that he fits as a maid. His face is also very good eye candy

[...] "I'm sorry for existing"

"Pipes, I love you" Lawrence suddenly said. He did not know about timing and all that stuff.

"I love me too" Piper answered as usual while laughing at him

If he's gonna confess then he has to get the timing right. Who confesses whenever. Haah... This man is really something else

"Did I do something wrong? I cooked for her, she should love me. Why doesn't she love me? Is that book actually a scam? Did I get scammed?!" Lawrence was so confused again. He couldn't understand at all.

"Give me dessert now" Piper ordered

"Ahh... She will fall in love with me after I made the dessert" Lawrence smiled happily while making strawberry cheesecake.

"There you go" He put a slice on a plate and gave it to Piper

"Cheesecake? I want chocolate!" Piper only ate the cheesecake last time because she wanted to be like Piper Green. She actually liked chocolate more.

"O-okay" Lawrence was startled "She doesn't want this? Did I do something wrong again?" Lawrence got very depressed and made a chocolate cake instead

"Here" He gave it to Piper

"Thanks" Piper ate it happily.

"She likes chocolate. Not strawberry cheesecake" Lawrence noted down

"Do you love me?" Lawrence asked again with his hopes up

HAhaha! Did he think that I would fall in love with him once he made me a cake? He's so funny

"No" Piper said with a smiling face


"Because one does not simply fall in love after getting a cake. That only happens in movies" Piper said

"How do I make you fall in love with me?" Lawrence asked with a serious face making Piper die internally.

"I don't know. Go ask a love guru"

"Love guru..." Lawrence considered Piper's advice seriously and and gave her another slice of cake

Piper ate happily and gave Lawrence a big thumbs up for his godly cooking skills.

After this day Lawrence would come over almost everyday and cook a meal for Piper. They became very good friends (That's what Lawrence thought. Piper thought of him as a maid but shhh! Don't break his heart)


Piper was walking around the mall shopping for some clothes. She did have a few normal clothes but she wanted more. 

This time she went into a less expensive store. She picked a few pieces and walked out of the store. While she was walking she felt s slight chill but she brushed it off. 

Amanda who was also in the mall saw Piper and went mad. She hated her, absolutely hated her. She wanted the stuff Piper had. She wanted fame, money and recognition. She also felt so ridiculed. She had hopes for marrying the CEO but Piper didn't tell her that she was the CEO.

When she went home and her friends asked her about the secretary selection she was so ashamed. She had bragged about how she was going to marry the CEO and they all believed her. But how could she marry the CEO who was Piper? They all laughed at her when they found out.

"It's all her fault! It's her fault that I embarrassed myself in front of my friends!  Everything she has should be mine! MINE!" Amanda's stare got deadlier by the second. She slowly approached Piper

Piper only felt the chill getting bigger so she looked around but didn't find anything suspicious. Amanda got closer and closer and when they were only 1 meter apart, she ran up to Piper.

[Ah! Host!}


Piper felt something shoving her from behind as she fell of railing on the second floor down to the first floor. 

F*ck my LIFE!

Piper felt a big pain in her head and she hated it

D*mn it hurts so much. F*ck you. F*ck this sh*t. PINK you useless piece of sh*t! Go f*ck yourself!

"She's still so violent even when she's about to die..."

Piper felt her consciousness fading and she looked at Amanda one last time before fainting

Screw you, you big fat piece of sh*t!

Amanda smiled happily before running away "This really brings back some memories" Amanda smirked before hopping into her car.

[She's already beyond help, this female lead. It's all host's fault]

Piper who has fainted: It's not my fault that she is so dumb and stupid that it makes me want to hit her ugly *ss face! I didn't do anything wrong! She f*cking pushed me off the railing and you still say it's my fault?!

"Why so much curse? This is not good for my pure ears"



-Yours Truly,


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