Sushil's encounter

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My name is Sushil and I am from a small village in Haryana state of India. As it usually happens in villages, I grew up listening to all these ghost stories and paranormal activities. So I was very much interested in these stories from childhood. I always wanted to know more about these things. I would like to share my scariest experience.

It was May of 2007 when I was a 1st year student of a diploma engineering college. As all young boys do, I also had that feeling in me that nothing can scare me and I can do anything. My college had few ghost stories of its own. One of them was that a boy died in the bathroom of 2nd floor of the last building of the college. It was said that he was hiding from ragging and committed suicide in the bathroom. It was agriculture technology block and we can see that its 1st and 2nd floor was closed and no one explained the reason behind closing those floors. That was enough to believe that the story is true.

I was living in hostel along with my friends. One day we were talking about that story and one of my friends challenged everyone to go in that bathroom at midnight and lit a candle. Predictably everyone denied it. But as I always wanted to see these things closely I accepted challenge. Few of my friend apposed me and said it is not safe to go in there at midnight. After a long argument It was decided that I will go around 8 pm in evening and my friends will be standing next to the building to see if everything is all right.

Excited as hell I approached the stairs of that old building. I was not afraid and was full of energy. As I reached on 1st floor I can see the floor was full dust and leaves.

Anyway in seconds I was on 2nd floor. The stairs opened in a balcony that was leading to lecture halls and in the last there was the one big room that was divided into bathroom. My heart beat were increasing as I was walking toward that room. It was totally dark their and so silent that I was hearing my own breath sound. Finally I was there, the main door was closed, I kicked that door and it opened. It was pitch dark in the room and I felt a sudden uneasiness to breath. I think there was 2 lines of 4 bathroom each side in the room. I entered the room trying to see anything I can. As I took first step into room I was like holy crap! The tabs in all bathroom started flowing with a bang. Anyhow I recollected my conscience and continued. As I took another step inside the room I felt a cool breeze on my face. A cool breeze in May? In closed room? The next thing I remember was foot print approaching to me. I was not able to see anyone but only footprints. I gathered my full strength and ran. I ran until I was in my room in hostel.

I suffered high fever that night. Though nothing strange happened after that. One of my friend informed my parents and I got scolded at home. That day I learned a lesson that one should never challenge these supernatural things. I still remember this as a hell of experience.

Sorry for my English.

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