The New Hostel

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I never know anything about the ghosts even though I never came in contact with them so I do not care or worry what people told me about the ghosts. But I think... I am not that lucky enough and I experienced something that I will never forget about.

One day I was with my friend, suddenly he starts telling me about the ghost stories and after listening to him for 5-10 minute I start laughing at him so hard. He got angry and just asked me one question "If you see ghost or spirits or anything like that, then how you will explain about it to the people who never saw that with their own eyes?" Then I realize that there is no way to explain people about the ghosts and spirits perfectly.

My life was going better and I shifted to the new room on the hostel. The best thing about that room is it is having very good side view of river but the problem is, it is very weird that no one goes at that side behind the hostel. I never knew why they are scared to go there. Even my hostel teacher told me to not to go to that side of river.

One day I saw one man sitting near that river at 6:30pm. After 10 minutes that guy woke up and start walking away. He actually does not walk, it is just like he is flying little bit up in the air. I thought it is just my imagination, but after moving 10-20 meter ahead he suddenly stops and turns to me. I was pretty scared until this movement but I was on the 4th floor of hostel window so I am feeling a little safer. That man keeps staring at me for a while and starts approaching towards me but one thing I knew was that he can't cross the lake without any boat because flow of river is so high. But that man came almost 1 meter near at river water and he does not seem like stopping over there. He start flying on river water and passed whole river... At last he entered our hostel building from backdoor.

That is only thing I know until now. And now the weird thing is everyone got messed up in the hostel but not me. And I don't know why he is not coming in front of me now.

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