First Time Ouija Board

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Let me first start off by saying I love the paranormal. Though I might be scared a lot too of it, I still love paranormal things.

Lately I have been doing research on Ouija boards and really wanted to do this. I know what I was getting myself into. It was me, my cousin Summer, and my sister Aryss. We did not have a bad experience I think. We asked basic questions. First if there was any spirits around us, then asked if it was good or bad, then asked the gender, and just more questions.

When we started asking questions, it started to move (not right away, of course. It took a couple of tries). All of us got pretty excited, or overwhelmed. He said he was a male, good spirit, we think his name was Tom. He also said that he was related to my great-grandfather (him having a lot of brothers), he was his brother Tom. He also said he was 65 I think and said he died in 1970, but this info sorta seemed off.

My sister asked if he was stuck here, he said yes. I wanted to ask why he was and my cousin said that didn't make any since, and I don't blame her. Me and her got into a little argument, which was my fault (the spirits became active after she tried being host, so we let her become the host) then he said goodbye, I think we upset him.

After that we kept trying and asked if there were any spirits. It went to yes, when we tried to ask his/her name he said bye. The next we did the same thing except when we asked again to a different spirit we asked if it was a good or bad one, it said goodbye and that part is as scary as it got.

I definitely want to do it again. My sister is a little scared and I'm not going to push her. She said to give her some time and I will. I know there are bad spirits out there. I know what we were doing.

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