PRAGYA: First Encounter

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This story dates back to 2002 winters. I was then 19 years old. My dad got transferred to Patna, Bihar. Mine is a small family. I am the only child of my parents.

At that particular time I was also in a long distance relationship. It was my first love. We had rented an apartment. It was a beautiful and spacious apartment. As soon as we entered the main door there was a hall. On the left hand side was a room which our landlord had locked for his usage whenever he would come since he was posted outside. This room had a separated entry from outside. Adjacent to it was a huge room which we had turned into living room. Then there was hallway a good spacious passage which led to a covered veranda. Before the veranda there was a kitchen on right. And before that a washroom. And on left were two room facing each other connected by small gallery. One was mine other was my parents.

Before the incident happened I would like to give a brief prequel to the events.

In my room there were absolutely obnoxious looking noisy 3 lizards. They would come during evening. And at night they had to be driven away by my dad since I was scared of them.

One day my cousin had come for two days. She told me that she keeps getting the feeling as if she is being watched. Very frankly, I never felt anything of this sort as I would study everyday until late at night and I never felt anything.

I had this habit of reading Hanuman Chalisa (Deity known to ward off evil spirits. Chalisa is prayer devoted to Hanumanji) before going to sleep and also I would keep the Chalisa book beneath my pillow.

Here I would mention from my room door I could see a part of hallway passage clearly. And also the door of the washroom clearly. It was brown and cream in color.

Winters are very cold in Patna. It was December night. I was sleeping. It was late at night and must have been past 1 am. I am not sure about exact time. I opened my eyes to turn around on bed towards the door. What I saw was out of this world. I saw something white moving extremely slowly in the hall way. It was neither opaque nor transparent. I could make out it had long hair. The figure was like a block. White see through block but one can make out the long hair though but they were also part of that block like thing. It came in front of the washroom door. And because of dark background the moving entity was all the more clearly visible. I just could not believe my ideas. I immediately wore my glasses and looked at it hiding from my quilt. It was actually there slowly walking! Then it vanished from my view as it moved ahead down the passage. I got scared and hid in my blanket reciting Hanuman chalisa. After 6-7 minutes I again peeped out and saw the entity again now moving back. It was taking a stroll. I got this strong feeling it was a lady.

This time I was frightened. And soon after felt asleep.

In the morning I went to my mom to tell her what I saw. She did not even let me finish. She said I should not think about it. I was amazed. I did not question her.

That house did not fare us well. My dad had troubles in his professional life. Also we also find black magic things like a knotted white cloth outside the entrance door. A brown feather like that of owl was taped on the windscreen of my car. Also some black chana (gram) was found lying at the entrance door. And my dad was about to step on it had it not been for our driver who warned my dad. My mother had fallen sick seriously later on she was almost bed ridden for 6 months and once was almost on death bed. I had a bad break up with my boyfriend who betrayed me.

We decided to leave the house. On last day my mum told me that there was something in that house. Whenever me and my dad were not there she would feel someone was watching her all the time and she would feel scared. And that day when I had come to her she knew I had seen the same entity which she had felt around her. And she did not want to tell us what all happened to her. And we did not force her.

For good we left the house. Later on we came to know that a girl had died in that house either she was murdered or committed suicide I am not sure. But it was not natural death.

May be it was her strolling in the dark. And if lizards had to do something with her because they were not normal lizards but strange dirty ones.

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