Chapter 37- Taunting Rescues

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"...and then if the bacteria spreads, then the whole tank will be filled with-"

Before I could finish the last part of the chapter I had been reading in my textbook, my phone rang. I stopped and reached over for my phone, wondering who'd be calling me so late. To my surprise, Gemma's name flashed on the screen. I furrowed my brows in confusion, and recieved the call.

"Alright, lover boy," she greeted.

My confusion escalated.

"What are you talk-"

"Now, I can't believe I'm betraying my best friend for this, but here it goes," she sighed.

I wondered if she was drunk calling me.

"She's coming over to see you now."

At this, my eyes widened and my heart rate accelerated. 

"What? Why?" I blabbered.

"Well that I can't tell you, but get this, if I get a call from her crying and saying you hurt her, then you're dead meat," she stated.

I sighed.

"Got it. Bye now."

"Oh wait! I didn't even tell you who was coming ove-"

And with that, I shut the call before she could finish speaking.

When I thought about what she said, a lazy grin crawled onto my lips. Of course, there's no one else I know of that's Gemma's best friend, other than Amelia. 

I sighed and looked at the time on my phone. It was 9:35pm now, which was still pretty early for me. I quickly stood up, thinking I should at least clean up a bit before she comes over. Since I had been so busy with exams, I barely gave my apartment a second glance. Now I kind of regretted it.

I left my spare room, which I had converted into a small den with a loft bed, and went out into the living room. I quickly picked up the dirty dishes I had lying around and took them to the sink. Then I cleaned off the empty junk food bags and pop cans I had lying around aimlessly. Once I was done, I glanced at the clock and was surprised to see that twenty minutes had passed by. 

I furrowed my brows, now slightly worried. I hadn't even asked Gemma how Amelia was arriving, whether it was by foot or by car. And with the weather outside, I hoped it was the latter. Not wanting Amelia to know that I knew she was coming over, I texted Gemma to ask how Amelia was coming. To my surprise, she called back right away. I picked up the call hesitantly. 

"Amelia hasn't reached yet?" she asked, a hint of worry seeping into her voice. 

"No. When did she leave? And how is she coming?" I asked now worried too. 

"She left about 40 minutes ago. She was walking to your place."

At this, my heart sank to my stomach.

Something told me that this wasn't okay. Something wasn't adding up, causing my worry to increase.

Quickly ending the call with Gemma, I made a beeline for the front door, grabbing my jacket from the coat rack on my way out. I ran towards the stairs, not patient enough to wait for the elevator, and nearly tripped on my way down. Once downstairs, I pushed open the doors leading to the outside and ran. 

I needed to find her. I absolutely needed to make sure she was safe. 

I took a look around the perimeter, checking to see if she was just on her way. However, after minutes of searching, I still couldn't see anyone. The streets were dead.  

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