Chapter 57- Taunting White Lights

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Who wants a cast list for this book :D

Also, song for the chapter is 'Safe Inside' by James Arthur ❤


[] A N D R E []

I wondered how Amelia did it.

How she was able to watch her best friend be taken away on a stretcher, paramedics surrounding her, the yelling, the sirens-

Because it hurt like a bitch for me.

Watching Leo be taken away in an ambulance had been the worst experience of my life. Waiting for him in the hospital right outside of the emergency room, as I had been the one to call his family and Gemma, all of it was an absolute whirlwind of downward emotions for me.

I don't remember crying at all. I was so traumatized, that nothing was functioning right. I should be crying right now as I waited for him.

But crying would mean he's going to die, wouldn't it?

I didn't want him to do die.

It was when I got up to go to the bathroom to wash my hands, that I got a look at myself since we found Leo near his apartment. What I saw finally cracked me.

I was covered in blood.

My shirt, my hands, even my pants.

All tainted with my best friend's blood.

That was when I finally cried. Tears fell down my cheeks as I tried to scrub away the blood on my hands. And even long after my hands were scrubbed clean, the crying never seized.

* * *

[] J A M A L []

Unlike Andre, I cried the moment I saw Leo on the ground, covered in his own blood.

Andre and I were on our way to his apartment to make sure he had only gone home when we found him. On the way, we saw a group of guys, who were mostly limping or holding various body parts in pain, as they tried to quickly get away from something. We followed where they were coming from, only to see someone sprawled out in the snow-covered sidewalk, nearly a hundred meters away. We had stopped to help out the person, and imagine our reaction when we saw Leo on the ground, his head bleeding profusely, bruises covering his visual body parts.

It looked like he was barely breathing.

Andre was first to reach him, calling an ambulance as he did so.

And I just stood there, crying like a damn baby, just watching him.

None of the guys who did this were caught either. But when the police questioned us and asked if we thought anyone could be a suspect, Andre and I had immediately thought of Jackson. The police had taken our testimonies and then we set off for the hospital, where we've been for the last little while.

I ran a hand over my face, trying to get the image of Leo on the sidewalk out of my head, but nothing worked. I only saw his face flashing before my eyes over and over again.

We had been waiting in the ER for over 3 hours. The doctor hadn't told us anything yet, making my worry increase with every passing moment.

A few moments later, I heard a few frantic footsteps heading my way. I looked to the source of them, nearly crying again when I saw Laura's tear-stained face. Clara was behind her, James guiding her with his arm around her shoulder. They made their way to me, and I stood up shakily. Laura's eyes instantly latched onto mine, and she broke out in another heartbreaking cry. She immediately jogged over to me, wrapping her arms around me.

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