new friends?

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     The h/c haired girl woke up. She smelled
Her grandmother making breakfast. As she got up. She notice someone was here. It was A women with her husband and about 3 kids. They all had blue or green hair. But their were two boys that caught her eye. One had blonde hair and the other he had alittle bit of a blue and purple hair.

"Y/n... Come down here"

Y/n grandmother yelled. Smiling, the girl got up and dressed up. She was walking down the stairs until you tripped over her own feet by accident. She came tumbling down the stairs. Once she got to the bottom she hit her hand on a metal bar. "Ouch!" She yelled as she started to cry just abit. There was a big bruise.
"Oh my.. y/n are you ok" a women with green hair came up to y/n.

"Yeah i think.... i accidently tripped over my own feet. Haha..." the female said rubbing her head. But she was trying to keep her tears in. Her hand it was all bruised up but she tried to act tough. " I forgot something in my room" The little lady said as she bowed. "Sorry to make such a load rukas. Please excuse me really quick" the female said before walking back up the stairs. The girls tears started to come out when she was halfway up the stairs. No one notice so she didnt really care. But only to people did. Those two boys.

"Miss L/n is it ok if me and my friend Kashino go see y/n" One asked. His name was Andou. He's going to the same school as y/n. And his friend is Kashino... he also goes to the same school as y/n. "Go head but dont be mean to the girl" y/n grandmother said as she was still cooking breakfast. "Hai. Īkagen'ni shite kashino"(this means come on Kashino)
They ran up the stairs and heard crying. It came from the girls room. They slowly opened the door to see the h/c haired girl crying.

"May i ask whats wrong miss" Andou asked. The girl turned her head and shaked her head. She was on the floor. She got up and walked off. Thats when Kashino grabbed her hand where the bruise was.
" Haiiro! That hurts" the girl yelled. (Haiiro means grey and ow) "i knew it" kashino said. He looked at her arm and there was a bruise. "Why didnt you tell any of the adults.. Y/n" Andou said. "Because.... i was told not to be pitied by people" the girl whispered. "What did you say?" Andou didnt hear her.


She said. Her voice it cracked. She fell to the ground. Her legs gave out on her. She cried... this was the first time she cried infront of someone who wasnt her grandma or grandpa. "Let's go see my mom.. She knows what we will do.. Lets go before it gets swollen" Andou said smiling at the girl. "Hai" she said gently. "Kashino you carry her down" Andou said. "Why she can stand" kashino said back. "Or just hold her hand. She could collapse" "fine" kashino said before grabbing the girls hand and bringing the girl up.

"Oka-san (mom). Y/n as a big bruise on her hand." Andou called out to his mother. "Here let me see" she said back. Kashino walked over to the women and put let go of y/n's hand. "Your lucky it didnt get worse." The women said to y/n. "Breakfa- y/n what happened to your hand" G/ma/n sajd as she ran into the living room. "Sorry.. i fell down the stairs and my hand it a metal bar"

"A metal bar?" Andou said "thats must hurt" kashino said. "No im use to pain like this..." the girl mumbled. "What was that?" He asked. "Nothing!" The girl answered. "When are we going go St. Marie" the h/c haired girl asked. "Well.... Kashino,Andou and you are going together" G/ma/n said. "What?! Why?!" The female asked. "Sorry y/n but im busy with work." The elderly women said. "And i got my cloest friends kids to take you.. they are going to the same school as you" The women said. "Well have a nice trip" was the last thing she said before bowing....

"I...i didnt... get to eat.."

The h/c girk sighed.. but she shook it off. "Im going to get my luggage" The girl said ready to head back up stairs for the third time today. "No need. I already got it" Andou said as he shlwed the girl her luggage. "Arigato" she bowed. "Lets go then" she yelled laughing. "Were friends from now on today..Don't forgot that y/n" Kashino said. "Hai! What re ypur names anyways?" Y/n said. "Im Makoto Kashino. And thats Andou" Kashino said. (Sorry for got what his first name was)

"And then im Y/n L/n" the h/c haired girled said. It was nice to meet you guys.
"Same to you, L/n-san" Andou said. Y/n smiled and they started there journey today...but they dont know what will happen from now on

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