Chapter 18: I know how to fight back.

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Moving back was probably the biggest mistake I made.

I ran away before. Tried to forget and shoved everything in the past. I hurt the person who had made my life a sweet dream yet at the same time made me live a nightmare.

I made a vow to never again get caught up with him. But it was like the water that goes through the drain.

I came back thinking there will be little chance for me to see him again. I came back because of my best friend. I came back because of the people who had helped me. I came back without thinking about what it would have meant.

Never have I imagined that I will get my life tangled again with Jeremy. For the last five years, there was nothing, no communication at all. I know he can find me easily but he chose not to. I can't say I didn't get help with restraining him from finding me. I avoided the spotlight and only worked from behind so that he won't find me. I travelled around not staying at a single place for more than a year.

It seems like all my effort of hiding became useless the moment we saw each other again. Jeremy was the same as before just with a slight maturity in him. Everything about him that I came to love is the same. I thought he'd be hating me. He's supposed to hate me but it wasn't the case.

I wanted to be as far away as possible but why am I here at his office waiting just because he told me so?

"Mr Malarkey will be done with his meeting in a few minutes. Would you like something to drink?" Jer's secretary who is about my age talked to me. I can guess she was informed that I will come because she didn't even ask questions as she made me wait inside Jer's office.

"I'll take a cold coffee if you have one." I sweetly told her. She was about to go and fetch me my drink when Jer stopped her.

"No! You already had coffee earlier. I'll just call you if we need anything else. Thank you." Jer practically pushed the poor girl to walk out faster.

"I don't have enough time so explanations right now," I demanded as soon as he took his seat.

"Fine, straight to the point." He let out a deep sigh. "The Tans think we are together."

"I figure that much." I interrupted which cause him to narrow his eyes at me.

"The thing is, Ken wanted to do business with me but since they are family oriented. When his grandmother said 'No' he has to follow and put in her opinion. For some reason, his grandmother thinks I'm lacking something for the business until this" he showed me the magazine with our pictures on it. "Apparently and such a good thing that Mona is your friend and soon-to-be bride came across this thing and remembered that we are together-"

"We're not together." I scoffed.

"and told them about us thinking that 'we are still together' and how happy she is we made this far." He continued ignoring my snide interjection. "I guess you haven't had contact before because you didn't inform her how you left me without a word five years back."

I know he said that to get back at me. "But you could have told and clarified everything to her fiance."

He just shrugged his shoulder as he leans back in his seat. "I was about to when I realize something."

"His grandmother likes you so much that just knowing you are together with me made her want to do the business together." He continued.

I raised an eyebrow at him and crossed my arms over my chest, "so you used me to get what you want. The same as before."

"I'm not using you. Maybe what I want is for us to get back together again like before and make the old lady happy."

This time I stood up, "No way in hell am I getting back together with you just for you to get what you want. I won't allow myself to get used again by you."

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