Beauty, Breathing, and Bear Blood

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My eyes snapped open. The room was dimly lit, but I saw everything with perfect clarity. I sat up, much quicker than I had intended, and took a deep breath. I could smell something amazing. It was better than anything I had ever smelled before. I heard a chuckle and looked around the room. There was no one with me.
It was then that the memories came flooding back. I was trapped in a white room for ten years.
I stepped off of the bed, and the hardwood floor didn't even feel cold to me. I moved to the door, once again I seemed to move much faster than intended. I turned the knob and pulled the door open. I immediately recognized the Cullen home, and basically shouted in relief. I heard voices again, but I couldn't concentrate on what they were saying as I moved down the staircase, into the living room. My throat was burning.
They all looked ten times more beautiful than I remembered from ten years before. Or at least, to me it was ten years. To them it had to have only been a day.
I swore I could see every little detail about them. Their eyes were not just gold. They were brighter than honey and had flecks of black and darker golds in them. I could separate every hair on their heads. I could see the dust floating around them.
"Celia." An angelic voice spoke. I had always thought his voice was beautiful before, but it was nothing like then. I looked up to Edward and realized that the amazing smell was him. The burning in my throat seemed to dull at the sight of him.
I had missed him terribly during my captivity, and seeing him then pierced me deeply. Especially seeing and hearing him in such beauty. I didn't waste time rushing to him, faster than anticipated, and crushing him into a hug. Of course, I knew I couldn't actually crush him because he was a vampire.
"Celia." A choked sound came from him as he hugged back. He grabbed my shoulders and lightly pushed me away. I scrunched up my eyebrows.
"Celia. You're much stronger than me now." Edward said softly, and everything seemed to dawn on me at that moment.
The pain I had felt, the screaming and the darkness, the suddenly amazing sight, smell, and hearing, the burning in my throat. It all made sense in that moment. I was a vampire.
What seemed to make the most sense, though, was the silence in my mind. There was no pressure, no voices, no pain, no rapid pictures and thoughts. It was just me. Just my thoughts. I was alone in my mind, and I had never been more grateful for anything in my life.
Edward smiled and grabbed my hand, hugging me again. This time I didn't grip as hard and I breathed his scent deeply as he kissed the top of my head. We pulled away and he seemed to be studying me.
The moment was interrupted by Emmett shouting that it was his turn for a hug. Soon all of the Cullens had gotten hugs besides one, who was standing in front of me last.
"Celia." Carlisle nodded politely. He seemed to be giving me space, in case I had another episode, but I had never felt this free. I wasn't scared of him. He was just a doctor. He saved people's lives. So I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug, making him relax.
I cut it short, however, when my throat began to burn again. I cleared it a couple of times, hoping to get rid of the pain, but Edward grabbed my hand.
"It's alright. You just need to feed." He explained cautiously. The idea of drinking blood wasn't outrageous to me, as I recalled having blood in my mouth before. Edward grimaced as I thought of the time I bit a doctor so hard he bled out.
"I can read your mind now, Celia." Edward explained, making me smile. I had never been so happy to have someone poking around in my head.

Edward led me out into the forest.
"Concentrate," he coaxed, "hear the heartbeat, smell the blood." Almost like magic, as soon as he said it I caught the scent and it was like my body ran the way itself.
Edward was right behind me, but I didn't slow until the animal was in sight.
"Get down." Edward barely whispered. I crouched down behind a fallen tree, never taking my eyes off of the bear.
"Wait for it." He teased, gripping my hand in his. The bear turned it's head away from us, and Edward let go, signalling for me to attack.

We walked back into the house with Edward grinning. Everyone smiled warmly.
"How did it go?" Jasper asked. I smiled sheepishly and Edward laughed.
"You should've been there," he squeaked, his voice high pitched from the laughter that was erupting from him, "she-" I cut him off by smacking my hand over his mouth and glaring. He still laughed, but didn't say another word.
He moved and sat on the couch. I watched as he joined in on Emmett's video gaming. I felt like I could have watched him for days. He was gorgeous and his voice nearly brought me to my knees. I looked at Jasper, knowing he could feel my emotions, and stuck my tongue out as he smirked at me. I looked back at Edward to see he was also smirking, his eyes fixed on the television and I groaned knowing he could read my mind.
"Celia!" Alice's voice chirped. I turned to her and smiled, " let's go get you into some new clothes!" She called, dragging me up the stairs and into the room I had awoken in.
Alice pulled a white, lace dress out of the closet and my unneeded breath caught in my throat, images of my decade in captivity haunting me.
"Alice put that away." Edward growled, grabbing me and turning me toward him. I snapped out of it and smiled, breathing deeply.
"I'm okay." I assured. He looked concerned, shocked, and angry.
"Celia," he began, grabbing my face, "no one will ever hurt you again."

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