Time, Tolerance, and Twilight

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Two bodies collapsed onto a wet ground. Edward and Celia stood carefully, looking around in wonder. They were in Forks, just outside of the school parking lot. Edward gripped his mate's hand as she let out a breathy laugh. She couldn't believe that she had gone somewhere other than Underland. It was true, then. Underland was nothing but another reality and the girl wasn't crazy.
"You did it, Celia." Edward murmered with a small smile, looking at familiar cars parked in the lot. Celia smiled as she watched another version of her new family stood outside of the vehicles.
The Cullens were like statues outside on the rainy day, and they all looked stressed. Edward especially had his eyes fixated on something.
Celia and her mate followed his gaze across the lot to a young, awkward looking girl reading a book. Well, she was pretending to read a book while continuously glancing at the Edward across the lot.


He was just as gorgeous as he was standing next to me. Across the lot, the only thing that made the Cullens slightly less stunning, was the stress on their features. The Edward whose hand was clasped in mine whispered an "oh no" and I saw what he saw a millisecond later. A large van was sliding on ice toward the brunette.
The Edward across the lot sped to the girl and stopped the van from crushing her. Edward and I watched the other Edward's hand create a dent in the vehicle, and then he and the brunette shared a deep look.
"Can you read their minds?" I asked quietly. Edward nodded.
"Yes. It's odd, reading his mind. He thinks like me, but he isn't me. And her." He stared at the girl. "I can't read her mind. That's why he's so intrigued by her." He murmered. I nodded slowly, taking in the information. I wondered if I was in this reality-- or any realities other than my own, because I supposed all realities were "mine"  because I could jump through them.
Alternate Edward jumped up and ran from the scene. Students were screaming and flooding toward the young brunette. We heard her name shouted multiple times. Bella.
"Maybe we should get back, let the others know you did it." Edward smiled at me softly. The corner of my mouth twitched slightly. I still wanted to to know if I was in that reality, but as Edward began leading me deeper into the woods, I figured I had lots of time to find out.
Getting back was much easier to do. I already had the reality burned into my mind, and I knew what it felt like to jump there. So it took only seconds after Edward grasped my hands for us to shoot awake on the forest floor, surrounded by people. My first thought, of course, was to question how long we had been out.
"How long?" I cried out, jumping from my spot next to a disoriented Edward. I looked to Carlisle, who had a watch on his wrist.
"About 5 minutes." He muttered. I was confused, because in Underland 5 minutes would have been years, but in this other reality time seemed to move the same. Suddenly, my vision went black and I froze as letters and numbers flashed across the darkness.
I faintly remembered this feeling. It had happened only once before, the first time I went to Underland. That was when I began calling it Underland. 
So I let myself watch as letters arranged themselves until a name for the new reality I'd traveled to was formed.
"Twilight." I whispered, testing the name on my lips. My vision cleared immediately and Edward was standing in front of me.
"What, Celia?" He asked softly, grabbing my face in his hands.
"Twilight. It's called Twilight." I smiled softly. He raised an eyebrow before nodding slowly.
"Okay. Twilight." He agreed.

"Simply remarkable." Eleazar said again. He had been mumbling about how amazing my gift was for hours. He was nearing the limits of my tolerance.
"Yes, Eleazar. It would be simply remarkable if I were ever going to use it again, but I may not if this is how you will react every time." I stated simply, my eyes trained on the television in front of me. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and simply stuck my hand up, catching the pillow that had been thrown at me from the chair Eleazar sat in. I turned my head slowly and glared at him. Edward chuckled as I chucked the pillow back at the man with such force that it knocked the entire recliner over.
"Sorry, Esme." I cringed at the motherly glare she gave me. I smiled sheepishly making her roll her eyes and swat the back of my head.
I felt a kiss press to the spot her hand had connected and turned to look at Edward.
"Hi." I whispered. The corner of his mouth twitched up into a smile.
"Hi." It was quiet for a moment. I simply let myself stare into his golden irises. Fake gagging noises we're then heard and I turned toward the sound to see Rosalie slapping her husband. He whined playfully.
"Get a room." He grumbled, making everyone laugh as he pouted.
"Celia, may I talk to you for a moment?" Carlisle's velvety, soft voice demanded silence without saying the words. I nodded slowly,because who could dare to say no to such a kindhearted man?
I followed Carlisle deeper and deeper into the woods. Once out of earshot of the household of vampires, the blonde beauty turned to me and smiled.
"Don't worry, it's nothing serious. I just wanted to know if you're feeling alright after that jump." He explained. I thought for a moment, not feeling anymore tired than I usually was when I jumped. It was very draining when I was human, but with my new immortality, it seemed to be much more tolerable.
"I feel fine, Carlisle. I promise. Thank you, for caring." I whispered the last part, unsure of a time that I felt loved before I met the Cullens. Not because my family didn't love me, but because I was literally so stuck inside my own head that I was never able to see it. I wondered what they were doing now.
I wondered what they were doing in other realities, if they existed.
"I think I should keep practicing. Get a better idea of how to control it and discover new realities. Information from other dimensions may be useful to us in some way." I rushed, making Carlisle place an arm around me.
"We have forever to figure it out, Celia." He assured.

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