Panic, Puppet, and Paul

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Sam was too close. Celia could see that he was too close.
She broke into a run, panic coursing through her body. She could've sworn everything was moving in slow motion.
"Emily, move!" She shouted, she made it just in time to grab Sam's arm before he phased, knocking her across the yard and past the forest line.
There were yells and panicked faces and Celia took a second to understand what was happening, but there definitely, undoubtedly was blood coming from Emily Young's face.
Jared scooped up the woman in his arms, Sam had phased back and was now drowning in his own thoughts while watching his soulmate writhe in pain and a pool of blood until she passed out in Jared's arms.
Celia picked herself up off the ground. Dirt clung to her clothes and skin, but she didn't care. She had never felt pain like she was in that moment. Her throat burned and she was hungry. Her eyes fixed on the source of the blood, limp in Jared's arms as he threw her in the car to go to the hospital.
Celia didn't have control over her body anymore. She was like a puppet, someone else tugging the strings of her body and mind. Luckily, Paul was right there to grab her and beg her to calm down.
"Celia look at me. Focus on my scent." He pleaded, "let's get you out of here."
She couldn't focus on him. She moved to run toward the blood, but Paul panicked and clotheslined her.
Celia fell on her back with a growl and shot straight up again. Paul looked more fearful than before.
"Okay, hey. We can talk about this." He chuckled nervously, throwing his hands up and praying that the car would get far enough away.
Celia wasn't angry, but she was hungry and he was in her way. She didn't see Paul, the guy she had spent an hour with talking and laughing, she only saw something in her way.
She pulled her arm back, clenched her fist, and whammed it into Paul's nose. Then, just like that, she realized what she had done.
"Oh my god." She gasped, looking at the man in a growling ball on the ground. He was shaking and she knew he was about to phase, she apologized profusely, hoping he wouldn't.
"Paul, I'm so sorry. I just--the blood." She held her nose, the blood on the grass was killing her.
Paul was taking huge breaths, and she knew she couldn't leave him there. However, Paul raised a hand to stop her from talking and slowly stood up.
Blood was pouring from his nose. Luckily, it smelled awful to Celia. She ushered the shifter into the house and grabbed a frozen bag of peas from the freezer. She held it out to Paul and, as their hands touched, both cringed and the temperature difference.
"Paul, I'm so-"
"It's fine." Paul grumbled, "just leave."
Celia didn't know why, but her heart broke a little knowing he was angry with her.
"I-okay." She sighed, defeated. She turned around on her way out the door.
"Tell Sam to call when he gets home."

Carlisle's phone rang and he excused himself as the Liddels stood to leave.
All of the vampires heard the phone call.
"Dr. Cullen. This is Jared Cameron. I'm with Sam Uley right now, there was an accident, and blood. We had to leave Celia at Sam's house with our newest packmate Paul. It didn't look like things were going well when we left." Jared explained. Edwards throat closed as he listened.
"Is everything alright, Jared? If something happened to you or Sam, I can help. It beats answering questions." Carlisle knew that Edward had already heard what was happening.
"We are in Forks almost at the hospital already. It wasn't Sam or I. We left Sam's about 10 minutes ago, though, and Celia didn't look good at all." Jared was genuinely worried for Celia.
"Thank you, Jared, we will keep an eye out for her." Carlisle ended the call and came back into the room to say goodbye to the guests. He avoided eye contact with Edward, who Jasper was trying to keep calm.
"Edward, that was your tutor, you better get going for your meeting." Carlisle lied.
"It was nice seeing you again." Edward nodded toward the Liddels before leaving out the backdoor. He barely made it onto the grass before he was sprinting.
Edward was fast. The fastest of the Cullens, and most others.
It seems like with the two being vampires with extremely heightened senses, they wouldn't have run directly into each other, but there minds were wandering, so they did.
"Edward!" Celia cried as she fell to her bum. Edward stood back up quickly and embraced the girl.
"Celia, what happened?" He questioned.
"Sam phased, he was too close to Emily..." She trailed off, but Edward understood.
"Did he hurt you?" The man fumed.
"No, but he hurt her. Bad, Edward. And I almost lost control..." She sighed and shook her head, "it's like, I didn't even know who I was." Her voice cracked.
"It's alright, Celia. You didn't hurt anyone, did you?"
"No," she started, "well, I punched Paul in the nose.." she trailed off. Edward chuckled, finding the memory in her head amusing.
It was quiet for a moment.
They could hear birds chirping. Celia, with her newborn senses, could focus enough to hear deer miles away.
So how in the hell did neither of the vampires hear Cathleen Liddel walk among them.
"Oh my God, Celia." Cathleen gasped, making both vampires whip their heads in her direction.

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