Sorry, Suspicion, and Sarah

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"Sorry," Celia grinned sheepishly while Emmett and Jasper chuckled in the corners. Esme stood in front of Celia with her arms crossed and an amused smile in place. Celia and Edward hadn't reappeared to the Cullen residence until well after people were home from school and work, and Mrs. Liddel was definitely gone.
Edward chuckled at Celia when she first remembered hitting Esme, but he continued to smile throughout all of Celia's guilt and eventual apology. Carlisle walked up and put a hand on his wife's back after she hugged Celia and waved off another apology. Celia smiled and looked around at her family.
Rosalie caught her eye, and within a second the two blonde beauties were on the balcony out Rose and Emmett's bedroom.
"You don't have to pretend you're okay, you can be real around us." Rosalie snapped, eager for proof that her own feelings throughout the years had been justifiable.
Celia shrugged and countered, "I'm not pretending. You think Edward would let me go this long without help if I were that upset?" Rose nodded at the truth and sighed.
"I'm sorry," Celia started, "that you lost your own life. I know this isn't something you ever wanted, or ever would want for anyone. My life was different, though. It feels like I hardly even know my family. They were all too wound up in doctors and prayers for me to connect with them. I never understood them and vice versa. I feel like I was so stuck inside my own head for so long that nothing outside made an impact on me..."
It was the first time Celia had spoken of her feelings toward her family.
"The last time you saw them was before you turned, right? You were home that morning. When you got scared and went to Underland for the last time." Rosalie spoke. The taller, older blonde remembered the day vividly. She remembered Celia's terrified screams for Carlisle, the most caring man any of them knew, to stay away. She remembered sitting with Edward for over a day until he finally made the move to turn her.
"Yes. They met Edward that morning."
"They saw their daughter for the last time that morning." Rose countered, making Celia sigh.
"I suppose I never thought of it that way..." She trailed.
She could sense Edward, and she knew Rosalie did, too, because the taller blonde jerked her head in his direction, silently telling Celia to go. Celia, however, felt the need to hug Rosalie before running off to her mate.

It was the next day when Carlisle came home from work in a frenzy of sorts. He ran at his full vampire speed through the front door, startling everyone.
"The Liddels are on their way. Somebody get Celia out of here, NOW." The covens leader demanded. Celia had never seen Carlisle in such a state, but she didn't argue with him or anyone else as she was moved from her spot.
"Celia, I can't go. Your parents are already suspicious..." Edward apologized, but Celia understood and made sure he knew it.
So the problem was where she would go. All of the Cullen's felt too uneasy leaving a newborn to hide herself in the woods when there were potentially people out there. To Edwards surprise, Rosalie was the first to think it, but everyone else was right behind her. Edward fumed at the idea, but he knew it was the best way to keep her safe.
"I'll take her. I'll pick up some groceries on my way home and say I was grocery shopping." Esme offered, quickly grabbing Celia's hand.
"There's no time." Carlisle sighed as the Liddels vehicle got closer.
"I can go." Celia announced, "Have Sam meet me at the treaty line, its not far. I promise I'll be fine." The Cullen's had never seen such a fire in her eyes. She could hear her sister and parents' heartbeats. She could smell their blood and she wondered I hers smelled like that once.
"Call Sam." Edward said to Esme, nodding at Celia to go. She wasted no time sprinting away from her family. 
Both of her families.
She ran and listened to her mother, sister, and father walk through the door of the Cullen household.

Mrs. Liddel was already sniffling her snotty nose when she walked through the front door. Esme embraced the woman in a hug.
Carlisle introduced us as his family, like always.
"This is my wife, Esme, and our children, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Alice, and you have met Edward. Everyone's eyes lingered on him a moment longer.
"It's lovely to meet you all. I'm Sarah, this is my husband, Arthur, and Celia's sister, Cathleen." Mrs. Liddel offered. Her voice cracked when she said her younger daughters name, and Cathleen didn't even seem to fully register what was going on. She was just starting at Edward blankly. Edward heard Cathleen silently question whether he even looked upset, and without thinking he frowned deeply. It was a good point, if Celia really were missing he would be devastated.
The Cullen family and the Liddel family sat around the living room as Sarah and Arthur spoke of their daughter.
"Chief Swan has assured us he's doing everything in his power to find her. There are posters all around the state and it's been broadcasted on some local news channels..." Arthur trailed off. He sniffled lightly, nothing like his wife who was choking on her attempts to keep from sobbing.
Edward watched Cathleen carefully, as she watched him. Her mind floating with questions on what happened to her sister.
Edward also saw things like Celia's meltdowns. He had seen something similar when he read her parents' minds when they first met, but now all her parents thought about were the good times.
Cathleen's mind swarmed with sneers toward her younger sister, hatred toward the smaller blonde. In most of Cathleen's memories the girls were younger.
Edward was fuming at the thoughts.
Jasper was suffocating on wrath.
"Edward," Mrs. Liddel croaked. Edwards head snapped toward the human, "thank you, for being there for her." She ended her sentence with a high pitched sob and her head fell into her hands.
There was a painful silence in the room for everyone besides Edward. Cathleen narrowed her eyes at the stressed boy.
"You know where she is." Cathleen spoke for the first time since their arrival and, to only Edward and the Liddels' knowledge, since Celia was pronounced missing. Had Edward had a heart, it would have dropped too far to retrieve. However, he stayed calm even though Cathleen's eyes never left him.
"Cathleen!" Gasped the woman's parents.
"I'm sorry, Cathleen." Edward shook his head, "I miss her, too." He said, making his voice purposefully crack.
"I think we should go." Mr. Liddel sighed.


Celia ran through the forest, no shoes on her pale feet, yet now a stick or stone penetrated her skin.
She could smell the wolves before she saw anyone, but she made it to the treaty line and a giant, black wolf stood, towering over her.
"Sam." She acknowledged with a smile on her face. Sam nodded his giant head back at her, and the two were off. Dodging trees and quite obviously racing.
Celia was a newborn, she was fast and strong and she loved launching herself off the ground with every step.
They arrived to Sam's house and Celia giggled lightly, forgetting about what was happening at the Cullen household.
Sam nodded for Celia to go into the house, so she walked in through the backdoor while he went to phase.
It smelled like food, and upon entering the kitchen/dining room she saw that there were four people, though she already knew that from hearing their hearts beat.
"Oh shit." A shirtless boy gasped with a mouthful of muffin.
"Paul!" Scolded the only other woman there. She didn't make eye contact with Celia, and her heartbeat rose.
She was scared.
"Oh, hi." Celia said dumbly.
"Hey, Ce." Jared nodded, like they were friends and hadn't met one time while she pet his wolf body.
"Hey." She mumbled, "you must be Paul." She acknowledged the other boy, who nodded while stuffing his face.
Sam walked in and saved the awkward situation.
"Paul, Emily, this is Celia. Celia, you remember Jared," Celia nodded as an answer, "this is Paul and Emily, my girlfriend." Celia waved slowly at Emily, who smiled softly and waved back.
"Your eyes are looking good, kid." Sam said, ruffling Celia's hair and taking a seat. The four copper skinned, dark haired people looked at her and though she felt out of place, it was nothing like when she was human.

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