skipping school!

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I woke up by the sound of my alarm...
I took a shower and brushed my teeth and pulled out a shirt from my closet and a pair of jeans, the shirt said "Im not normal!" In blue letters witch matched my jeans I grabbed a pair of shoses. My whiteand blue shoes.... And I grabbed my glasses.

Then I saw something move on my bed . . .

OH MY GOD! It was Blake cuddling with my blanket. Why didn't he leave! My parents are going to kill me!

" Blake wake up we have school! I said while poking his side...

"No mom why can't I skip a day!" He moaned.

"I'm not your mom!" I yelled.

He looked at me with sleepy eyes

"It appears so..." He said.

"Get your lazy butt up now!" I yelled

"Okkkkk" he said getting up....

"Oh my god I hear footsteps coming this way! I need you to hide!" I Said.

He went in my closet and closed the door behind him...

"Becca! You have 15 minutes to get to school so you better hurry!" Dylan yelled while opening the door...

"Oh and do you have my sneakers? Because I can't look for them! We they in you closet?"

I'm going to die!?

"Ummm I'll go check....."

I see the sneakers and throw them at him.....

He left... Thank you lord!

I opened the closet and Blake smirked at me...

I hit playfully...

"Ow!" He yelled

I cover his mouth with my hand and he licks my hand...

"Ew!" I yell and I wipe my hand on his shirt...

He laughed...

I had no choice but to get out the window!

I open the window and jump on the roof and Blake follows me

"I thought you were a good girl!" He laughed...

"Well I'm not...." I said and smirked...

I saw the front yard tree and decide to climb down... I got to the ground and waited for Blake!

"Come on scaredy cat!" I yell...

He climbed down...

"Shot gun!" I yell....

I raced him towards his car and I won so I got to drive...

I'm a excellent driver....., so I think....

"Watch out!" He starts yelling

"Blake just realax your making me nervous!" I yell.

"Ohhhhh in making you nervous! Is it because in good looking?!" He said.

I choked on my own spit. When he said that.

"Cocky much!" I say...

~~5 minutes later~~

We arrived at the school and I got out of the car... And I felt all of the peoples eyes on us, I kept getting glares but I didn't care.

I went inside the school

And put my stuff in my locker and I shut the locker and I saw Blake staring at me...

"Hello!" I said waving my hand towards his face "earth to Blake!" I yelled...

I hit his arm and he came back to reality...

"Ow!" He yelled and I smiled

I saw Ian and wave to him, he came over and gave me a high five...

"Okkkk I need you to babysit Blake over here!" I said and pointed at Blake who was next to me....

"I don't need a babysitter!" He said and crossed his arms like a child and I laughed...

"OK!" Ian said and took Blake to homeroom...

I went inside the lab... I was going to skip class for this for an explanation!

I ran into the room and saw Claire going through documents.

"Claire..." I said... She turned around...

"Explain what happened yesterday?" I asked....

"Dang it I thought you wouldnt remember!" She yelled.

"Okkkk first let me explain..." She said.

"So I put a needle into your vain and you blacked out!" She said....

"What was the needle for?" I asked.

"Its a science experiment that could help people!" She said.

"How?" I said

"Well you know those books you read that are about superwoman, Catwoman, batman, superman!" She explained

"Yeah..." I said

"Well its kinda like that!" She said...

"Okkkk this must be a crazy dream because that's fiction, so pinch me so I could wake up now!" I yelled

"Its not fake!" She yelled

"Lets do something!" She said...

"Let's skip school and ill show you!" She said.

"Fine but it better be worth it!" I said...

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