Chapter 1 - Forest of Astalla

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"Mmmm....?" I groaned as I opened my eyes only to see a bright blue sky between the leaves of a tree.

I slowly sat up and looked around me to see that I was dropped off in a clearing in a forest.

"Haaahhh....That Goddess said there was something else she was giving me...maybe it meant that I won't have to wait to grow up so that I can help her right away?..." I sighed, and stood up to check my surroundings only to receive a massive a sharp pain to my head.

"Ahhhh!....My head!" I clenched my head falling back to the ground. As I was clutching my head I noticed that I started understanding more about the world I am in.

Groaning as I held my head, "So this is what she meant when she said 'Implant the knowledge' huh?...That damn loli goddess could have warned me that it would hurt though!!" I slowly stood up, still holding my head as the pain was subsiding to just a light headache.

I looked down to make sure I was at least clothed and noticed that the clothes I was wearing seemed pretty unique. "huh...Seems kind of like a blend of the style from my world and this world..." As I spun around while investigating my clothing, I saw 9 silver tails with dark grey tips.

"So I was also moved to the ninth-tail stage huh?....WAIT DOESN'T THAT MAKE ME IMMORTAL!?" I recalled the information in my head, and realized that those that have reached the ninth-tail stage have achieved immortality.

"Haaaahhh....I guess this is what should be expected since she asked me to watch over this world. It would be weird for me to watch over it with such a limited lifespan...." I sighed, mumbling to myself.

I decided to check on my status to check and see if there was anything else new that she added to my new body. "Status" I mumbled to myself, and the familiar game screen came into view again as I investigated the status menu.

Name: Sora Takahashi

Race: Kitsune [Beastman] (Variant)

Level: 1

HP: 1,000,000/1,000,000

MP: 1,000,000/1,000,000

Strength: 1,000,000

Agility: 100,000

Intelligence: 100,000

Wisdom: 100,000

Luck: 100

Titles (Hidden): Person from Another World, Overseer of Auralel, Chosen by the Goddess, Immortal Kitsune, Wielder of the Eye of God, <New> Master Musician

Skills (Hidden): Creation Magic (lvl. 1), Fire Magic (lvl. 6), Water Magic (lvl. 6), Light Magic (lvl. Max), Wind Magic (lvl. Max), <New> Weapon Mastery, Physical Resistance (lvl. Max), Magical Resistance (lvl. Max), Mental Resistance (lvl Max), Cooking (lvl. Max), Eye of God, <New> Chantless Magic, <New> Space Magic (lvl. 5), <New> Musician (lvl Max.)

Blessings (Hidden): Blessing of Charisma [Makes it easier to talk to others, as well as other people enjoy speaking with you more], Blessing of Strength [Grants you immense strength to use how you see fit], Blessing of the Immortal [<One Requirement: Fox-Kin Race> By reaching the Ninth-Tail stage you have been recognized as an immortal, you will never age nor grow old, however you can still be killed], <New> Blessing of The Bard [<Requirement: Musician Skill Maxed> By maxing out your musician skill, you are able to play any instrument. People will gather to listen to you play. Your music can influence a Demonic Beast's actions. Your music can even be used to either strengthen your allies or weaken your enemies.] <New>Goddess of Worlds Blessing [Given by the Goddess of Worlds to someone she has recognized as an overseer of a world. Holder of the blessing will have all stats increased drastically.]

"...." I stared at the menu for a couple minutes.

I sighed, " least I'm strong...It looks like she also changed my swordsmanship and marksman skills, and combined them with other weapon skills to give me weapon mastery." I guess I should be thankful for that new skill since it means I can easily wield any weapon.

Looking at my surroundings I figured that it would be nice to practice some of my abilities to make sure I have no difficulties moving in this new body.

"Let's practice magic first I suppose..." Looking through the knowledge implanted in my mind, I learned that usually people who practice magic would have to learn the incantations for the basic spells and incantations and runic symbols for some of the intermediate spells.

However, thanks to the new chantless skill I received from the loli goddess, that means I should be able to cast spells without needing incantations or runes. "Well at least that loli goddess-sama was willing to give me a nice jump start." I said to myself while I held my hand out and thought about a ball of fire appearing in my hand.

"!?" My eyes opened wide in surprise and excitement as a ball of fire actually appeared in my hand. "However this is just a basic spell....." Then I thought to myself about combining wind magic with fire magic, to creating a spinning fireball.

To my surprise, it actually succeeded. When I tested the spell on a nearby rock, I watched as the spinning fireball flew through the air. However, what I didn't expect to happen was, as the fireball flew further it slowly grew thinner. Once it hit the rock and the dust settled, I saw where the spell hit, there was a small hole burned through to the other side.

' it became something like a flame bullet huh? Well that wasn't too big of a rock so it isn't a good test on the real power of this spell.' I thought to myself.

After a few more experiments I decided that was enough for magic, I know I won't be able to practice my fighting skills properly without something to fight, or a weapon to practice with.

"Before I go I should probably see about hiding my tails huh?" I spoke aloud while checking out my nine tails.

I sat on the ground and sifted through the knowledge given to me about my race, and trying to find a way to hide my tails.

Thankfully the Fox-beastmen in this world have discovered a way to hide the number of their tails, so that their enemies would underestimate their strength. All I need to do is channel magic into my tails until they slowly fuse together into the number I wish them to be.

"It took me almost an hour but I was finally able to make it look like I only have four tails." I smiled as I examined my now four tails.

After making sure everything was in order, I started walking in a direction where I heard running water. "I better get a drink of water before I go somewhere else."

As I slowly ventured through the forest, I came across a small lake with a waterfall and decided to bend down and drink from the pond while I still had the chance to drink such clear water.

While bringing a handful of water up to my mouth to drink, I noticed someone come out of the water at the center of the lake.

It was a small girl, naked. It seems she was using this lake to bathe in.





Her face slowly grew flushed as she noticed she was naked in front of a stranger. "AAAAHHHHHH!!!! PERVERT!!!!" She shouted, and continuously hurled insults at me as she hid her naked body underneath the water.

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