Chapter 15 - Meeting the Hero

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I still hear the shouts coming from behind me as I walk down the road, and it seems like they are slowly growing tired. Perhaps, he's finally giving up on me. While I was walking towards the guild, I say hello to some of the citizens. A lot of them were very friendly, and I've even developed a friendly relationship with some of them.

As I finish saying my hello's to the people, I find Sana at a baker stand. She's buying some of the Melon Buns that I showed to the baker. He loved them so much, so I gave him the recipe under the condition that I get 10% from the sales. He readily agreed to my demand, and since that day, he's been selling these melon buns. They're extremely popular with the people, especially with children. Sana has also taken a big liking to them, and now she tries to have one almost every other day.

When she spotted me, she held up one of the melon buns she bought me. It's rare that she shares her buns with me, so I gratefully accept it. Before biting into it, I show her my new gauntlets, and explain to her that I wanna take on a request to test out their capabilities.

She nodded in agreement as she was nibbling on her melon bun. With that, we started walking to the guild while enjoying our melon buns, and along the way I see some of the men staring over at Sana. I recognize some of them as Sana's fan group. Others, however, were just giving creepy stares that made even my spine shiver. I know that she's way older than she looks, but no one else really knows her real age, or even her real race. I wonder how they'd react if they learned that their idol was actually a former Vampire Princess, and a pureblood no less.

Most of the time, her fan group just gives me dirty stares, probably because she's my partner so I get to be with her all the time. A few have actually challenged me to a fight, I never really fight any of them though, because before I give my answer Sana steps in and blasts them away using wind magic. At first I kind of felt bad for them, but they've become a bit annoying, so now I don't really care when they get sent flying. Sometimes it's funny.

There's also those that try to get me with a sneak attack, but Ikari would immediately intercept them. When this started happening, Ikari kept asking me for permission to kill them, but I kept denying her request.

After arriving at the guild, we walked inside and was greeted by some of the adventurers that we've grown familiar with. Usually Sana, Ikari, and I would take up a monster subjugation request, but I think Serene has been getting tired of us taking most of the requests from the other adventurers. So, the last time we were here, I had agreed that the next time we came for a quest I would take on an escort mission instead.

I'm kind of interested in trying out an escort quest. It would be interesting to see another place now that I've seen most of Arendall. I'd like to see the beastmen country, since I am technically from that nation because of my race. It'd be weird with me being a fox-kin but never actually seeing the beastmen continent. Right? With my mind made up, I started scanning the quest board at the guild for an escort mission to the beastmen continent.

I almost gave up hope on finding one until I spotted one paper that had the name of the capital of the beastmen continent. Taking the paper off the board, I walked over and handed it to Serene. I could see genuine surprise on her face that it wasn't a subjugation mission. Honestly I felt somewhat hurt, cause I bet she is starting to see me as some sort of battle junkie. I'm not denying that I enjoy a good fight, but I'm not that bad. Although I can't really say anything considering the condition my body was in after fighting the demon, and then out of nowhere teleporting to the middle of the guild hall. I'm still thankful that Sana stayed with me the whole time, and I make sure to show her I'm thankful everyday. Mainly I just buy her treats like sweet rolls, or cake slices.

"Hey quit looking at your girlfriend and pay attention!" Serene snapped at me. I didn't quite understand what she meant by that but I won't dig too deeply because it might bite me in the ass if I dig too deep. So I turned my head back to Serene and replied to her, "Sorry, what did you say?" She just shook her head and sighed, "Look I was trying to tell you that the papers have been processed and that the request you took is now yours. But still I didn't expect you to take a request to escort the Hero." Explained Serene.

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